This is the catalog of the exhibition "A dream of modernity", which is currently (15.10.-30.1.2010) shown at the Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt am Main.
The preface Max Hollein has written. This followed a total of 12 essays by various writers that will track down the work is subtle and the person of Courbet.
Themed will include Courbet as an artist, dreamer and philosopher, and also the facial expressions and dreaming Act at this great artist. Furthermore, Courbet is a painter of nightmares and sleep for language. Courbet's hunting pictures to read your enlightening, yet his dream of justice and finally you informed about the importance of Courbet in modern art and in the present complex. In summary, we read that this "other" Courbet, which is made in the book to the object of observation, based on German Romanticism (there was a brief period in which he literary themes, painted so as von Goethe, Victor Hugo and George Sand) the vision of a poetic art realized which was subsequently taken up in the symbolism and surrealism again.
Gustave Courbet (10.6.1819-31.12.1877) was a French landscape-portrait and genre painter. He practiced in the 2 Half of the 19th Century great influence on French painting from, not least because he was one of the first painters of his time who understood the art as self-assertion of personality against the academic tradition. The artist's life was marked by the revolt against outdated and change-worthy and aesthetic forms of intuition.
I see on it, at this point to trace his biography. These can be in the book Pages 286 - see 289th
The displayed works, which include drawings, sketches and paintings show, often sleeping, resting and reading and thoughtful people, including some very beautiful scenery and various still life can be admired. The book contains 220 illustrations. The 100 exhibits in the catalog are all described in detail. Enchanting the painting "Lovers in the Country" is. In the image interpretation you read inter alia, that the whirl of the waltz figure-hugging Painter civil constraints leave behind. Prevails tension between passionate commitment on the part of the girl and dreamy Self-absorption of the man (see: p.106). So I see that too.
pleased me the oil painting "Portrait of the poet and art critic Charles Baudelaire. The painter should have complained while working on this picture the incomprehensibility of the poet. The sketch-like style and color to depict the unrest unsettled character of the poet, (see: p. 222).
One of my favorite pictures in this catalog, "Jo, the beautiful Irish woman" is. The image interpretation, which I at this point, unfortunately, not fully quoted, contains the following sentence: "The violence of the breathtaking beauty of the Courbet was obviously fascinated is, by the sobriety of the view just now still kept in check - as if the painter to defend themselves against the seductive power of his model as the femme succumbing to fatal (quote p. 226).
ancestors you how beautiful this woman with her beautiful, untamed red hair is? On the cover of the book to view it.
Impressed I am of the landscape "cliffs at Etretat," not least because I have stopped me during my studies there several times. One could above the cliffs along the sea walk and was remarkably light. That's right. All this is illustrated beautifully in the painting, the expression of self-searching and self-discovery, which is transported by the color choice as well as the reflection of life and death. To fall because of heartache from these cliffs, is a romantic notion that is frequently implemented in practice than is commonly believed. Perhaps doing exactly this for a painter the fascination of the place where the sea attracted to melancholy-prone person like a minstrel in the enchanting death.
A highly informative exhibition catalog, which I recommend everyone to visit.
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