This is the catalog of the exhibition "Illusions of Reality" - naturalism 1875-1918, from 6 October 2010 to 16th January 2011 at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam will be shown.
with naturalistic painters I've been involved very little. All the more curious I was on this book, illustrating the basis of many color illustrations and color plates, the thematic range of artistic debate and impressively proves how naturalism developed across national borders in different countries have different priorities.
After an introduction by Axel Rüger and tannin-Maija Mattila opportunity to immerse themselves in the introduction by Edwin Becker, and Gabriel P. Weisberg theoretically in the naturalism. This is generally the chronologically inclusive term for a theory of art and artistic attitude, which assumes that the goal of art in the truest possible reproduction of the visible nature or reality, making maximum waiver of stylization, symbolism and abstraction, etc. there. Characteristic of the representation of detail is up to the ugly, (see p. 13 ff). formed
as the direction of the Art and Art History the naturalism, especially in the last quarter of the 19th Century out. Emile Zola fixed the concept in theory, by comparing the sharp observation and relentlessly accurate description of the artist with the work of a scientist, (see p. 25-26).
The movement of naturalism can be understood both as a negative reaction to the previous era of romantic and idealisitisch influenced art as well as a critical response to social upheaval of the industrial revolution. For this reason, were the philosophical naturalism social theories, such as that of Hippolyte Taine (see: p. 24), after the man as a natural product of environment, heritage and historical era is seen used.
In the book focuses on:
In the book focuses on:
-redefinition of naturalism
photography as a means of Illusion-The construction of reality
-naturalistic themes in times of change
interpretation of modern life- The critical reception
-The natural north-Russia and the Nordic countries
-naturalism on stage
-The early naturalistic film mass medium and malt tradition
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.
-The niederländlische painting and naturalism.
you learn about paintings by Thomas Anhutz. His "iron worker at the lunch break," 1880 explained in detail. Another topic is the melancholy mood of the country and city life. Here I have the paintings Jules Bastien-Lepage "hay", 1878, and István Csók "haymaking" 1890 like best. Image object in naturalism are also factory scenes and trade, such as Jean-André Rixens "The rolling of steel", 1887, the world of contemporary politics, including the presentation of the faith, as shown very beautifully in Gari Melchers' The Sermon, 1886. We present a variety of painters in greater detail, including Emile Friant, Leon Lhermitte and Albert Bettanier, but also artists from the north, such as Eero Järnefelt.
Zola's "Germinal" comes up and the Repositioning of naturalism. Impressive is the catalog section on page 162 - 212 The paintings are presented mostly poor, exhausted, hard-working people central theme, the exploitation of the population in the early days and the refuge in the belief in prayer that it may eventually be better. The suffering of the people arises, that the pictures show, almost always from the greed of individuals. This has not changed since the days of naturalism not changed. Zola is getting to the point: "People People should form in which they treat them as people. "How right he has.
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.
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