Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Smi Grewal Mera Naam Joker

Reviews: Staged worlds. The designer, Peter Schmidt (Hardcover)

This richly illustrated book with essays by Inga Griese, Niklas Maak, Gerrit Gley, Lilli Holm, Gerd Mietusch, Hannes Heer, Uly Foerster, Juergen Kaffer, Jürgen Kesting, and Isabella Vertes Schütter and a foreword by Kent Nagano deals with the life and work of the gifted designer Peter Schmidt.

When I read the introduction, I was immediately curious and wanted to know more about these amazing creative people. Nagano also writes that everything emanating from Schmidt creativity and enthusiasm with him and nothing would happen without the passion, and passion.

Inga Griese reported in the article "Bayreuth, Kassel, Hamburg" from childhood and youth of the gardener's son born in 1937 in Bayreuth, in Cassel completed a graphics program. At the final examination, the more easy for him, asked him to design one from a perfume bottle.

worked after his studies, Schmidt et al as a graphic designer at the magazine "Geo" and in 1967 the advertising agency art director and Verclas Böltz. This company Reemtsma as customers. At that time, Peter Schmidt, with the development of new packaging for cigarettes and campaigns known. He designed the brand images and perfume bottles for Joop, Jil Sander, Laura Biagiotti, the Apolinarisflasche and a variety of logos that you learn in the book to know you better.

In a conversation with the designer Niklas Maak out, he answered the question how to invent a good shape. Right at the beginning of the conversation, we learn that the bottle, designed by Peter Schmidt for Jil Sander, was included in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Apparently you have to in the smells, atmospheres and moods into a specific time feel and absorb atmospheres and moods, if you want to develop a really good shape. The designer way to explaining how he invented identities and to which he arrives at a design, and stresses that its design is shaped in the head, he was arrested not so traditional schools.

Since 1994, Peter Schmidt also designed stage sets. These are obviously the counterweight to the world of small forms, the emblems, the letters, the bottles that ultimately embody architectural miniatures (see: p. 95).

We read of two forms of beauty, classic and distinctive. The distinctive beauty gets under Schmidt's opinion, their appeal in that this is distinguished by a feature, not a drawing or a break.
The designer has designed a variety of packaging, even for feminine hygiene. In sanitary napkins is he is not just about the beautiful appearance, but also the perfect fit, which he in collaboration with doctors, technicians and chemists has developed.

I'm impressed by all that Schmidt has designed. Very beautiful are the many logos, but also the packaging for Japanese chocolate pralines and its architectural masterpieces, such as the foyer of the Hamburg State Opera, the Concert Hall in Bamberg and the restaurant Juchheim in Japan.

The more I immerse in the text and images, the more I am amazed by the ability of this man who knows how to implement his exuberant imagination diverse.

Gerrit Gley waiting with 13 charming stories about Peter Schmidt. By means of these anecdotes, a personal picture of the diverse interests graphic who knows how to implement the spirit of design subtlety.

A great book about a gifted contemporaries.

copyright photos: "Peter Schmidt / Collection Rolf Heyne"

The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Northwind Yachts Old Models

Review: Matthias Grünewald. Drawings and Paintings (Hardcover)

This art book deals with the painter, architect and stonemason Matthias Grünewald (1470/80- 1528).

In his work is the late Gothic painting in its own best picture form (in the large triptych), the appropriate design elements - expressive form - and color - and in iconology, symbolism and content to perfection. At the same time already, the new image of man of the Renaissance found its way into his work.

It is particularly his drawings, which are appreciated in this book in their outstanding value. Grünewald's graphic works will be presented as an extraordinary document of a character art, the study discovered the new leaf as an artistic medium.

in the text by Antje - Fee Köller man learns Some of the life and work of the artist, whose main work of the "Isenheim Altar, one of the most important works of German painting. That there are photographed in the book.

identity and biography of the artist may not yet be fully reconstructed. assured style is critical encounter with Albrecht Dürer, the Italian Renaissance and Dutch art.

His work also shows a deep roots in the medieval world.

The image space is of visionary light fills, will connect to a bright color. The figures are captured in its full dimensionality. Representations of suffering are to naturalism out.

We read of the glory and fame of the artist, of the function and benefits of his drawings and is explained in detail on his drawing technique

drawings are then presented and explained.

are interesting, the "study of Mary of the Annunciation," the "Arm and hand study" and the "upper body study of St. Sebastian" Isenheim the altar, because all the studies put the idea way to the final image product.

The text Views of the studies can be, unfortunately, because of their richness does not reflect, as this part of the review would blow up.

Grünewald in his drawings focuses on the feelings of the people he gives graphic expression. This is particularly evident at the "head of a screaming child," the "picture study of a woman" and the "Study of a praying woman looking up." No feeling of the people remains hidden from the viewer, the soul is reflected in each face.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Ideas

Review: Isenheim altar-Max Seidel

This richly illustrated book with essays by Heinrich Geissler, Bernhard Saran, Josoph urine and Adalbert Mischlewksi and an illuminating foreword by Bihalji Oto-Merin deals with the famous work by Mathis Grünewald (1470-1528). This is around the high altar for the Antoniterkloster in Isenheim, near Colmar in Alsace. The contract for this Grünewald received Guedo Guersi, the preceptor of the monastery.

Grünewald held between 1513-1515 in Isenheim. This residence is well documented. It is believed that the altar was created in the place itself. This altar is a late gothic altar, consisting of an altar, predella, shrine and conversation corner, which is unfortunately lost. Get is a carving for the shrine and predella. They come from the Alsatian sculptor Nikolaus Hagenauer. These parts have been found Grünewald, when he was commissioned to paint the hinged mirrors this, which allowed a two-time transformation of the picture wall, three views.

On the one hand the iconological program of the altar panels with the relevant image tradition of late Gothic painting, on the other hand, it contains transformations of these types of images, which include the influence of theological and mystical writings of Hildegard of Bingen and sermon collections, but also of texts of the Fathers of the Latin Middle Ages . let The encyclopedic theological program image corresponds to an impressive variety and expressiveness sensually vivid images.

When closed, the altar shows the middle image (p. 10-11), the Crucifixion with Mary Magdalene, John and John dE dT. The display is flanked by the wings level with Saint Anthony and Saint Sebastian. The Crucifixion enhanced by the simultaneous presence of John the Baptist, the type of a Calvary-image to the reference to the redemption through the sacrificial death of Christ.

Heinrich Geissler describes in his essay "The altar data and facts," explains this very well and some parts of the image, such as "The head of the crucified Christ" (p.12) "The countenance of the Mother of God" (p. 14), "The hands of the St.. Maria" (p.16). The ampulla St. Magdalena "(p.18)," Mary and John under the cross "(p.20)," John the Baptist "(p. 21)," The feet of the Crucified "(p.22)," The Sacrifice Lamb "( p. 23), "The Saint. Anthony "(p. 25)," Two angels with the martyr's crown "(p.27)," The Saint. Sebastian "(p.29)," The Lamentation of Christ "(S.30/31).

The first conversion (after unfolding of the split in the middle of crucifixion panel) shows from left to right (see page 34-35) "Annunciation, a Christmas picture and the resurrection of Christ." Geissler said here Image Cutouts "The mantle of the Annunciation angel" (p.37), "countenance and gesture" (p.38-39), "Shape and space" (p.41), "Weisagende prophets" (p.42), "Angel with Marie Crown "(p.45)," angel worship "(p.46)," Angel Concerto "and" Nativity "(p.48-49)," The Christ Child "(p.51)," Feigenast before the locked gate "(p.52)," The Mary Rose "(p. 53), Marie aeterna" (p. 54), "The Mother of God (p.55)," God the Father in glory "(p.56)," The resurrection "(p.58)," The grave cloth of the resurrection (S .61), "guard at the grave" (p. 63).

The second conversion shows the open shrine with carved Figures (p. 66-67) of the saints "Augustine, Anthony and Jerome," and the open predella with the bust figures "Christ and the twelve apostles." The backs of the inner wings show in this position, the "Disputation of St. Anthony and St. Paul and the Temptation of St. Anthony". Here again, individual parts of the image well explained, such as "The Raabe brings the bread" (p. 69) or "Saint. Anthony and St.. Zwiegespäch Paul in" (p.70-71).

In Isenheim altarpiece transformed Grünewald the late Gothic altar in a series of closed-display walls. In most light-dark contrasts (as in the crucifixion) reserves the Their full color intensity and is often the actual expression. The design element of the artist make it possible that can be shown in its imagery of the extreme contradictions of existence.

I was particularly impressed to find many pictures and video clips of the altar and the detailed explanations of the contribution of Bernard Saran "By the power of words in the" Views and urine to the altar and the space problem.

A very good art book, it's worth it to deepen.
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grand Ball Invitation

Review: Illusions of Reality: Naturalism 1875-1918 (Hardcover)

This is the catalog of the exhibition "Illusions of Reality" - naturalism 1875-1918, from 6 October 2010 to 16th January 2011 at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam will be shown.

with naturalistic painters I've been involved very little. All the more curious I was on this book, illustrating the basis of many color illustrations and color plates, the thematic range of artistic debate and impressively proves how naturalism developed across national borders in different countries have different priorities.

After an introduction by Axel Rüger and tannin-Maija Mattila opportunity to immerse themselves in the introduction by Edwin Becker, and Gabriel P. Weisberg theoretically in the naturalism. This is generally the chronologically inclusive term for a theory of art and artistic attitude, which assumes that the goal of art in the truest possible reproduction of the visible nature or reality, making maximum waiver of stylization, symbolism and abstraction, etc. there. Characteristic of the representation of detail is up to the ugly, (see p. 13 ff). formed

as the direction of the Art and Art History the naturalism, especially in the last quarter of the 19th Century out. Emile Zola fixed the concept in theory, by comparing the sharp observation and relentlessly accurate description of the artist with the work of a scientist, (see p. 25-26).

The movement of naturalism can be understood both as a negative reaction to the previous era of romantic and idealisitisch influenced art as well as a critical response to social upheaval of the industrial revolution. For this reason, were the philosophical naturalism social theories, such as that of Hippolyte Taine (see: p. 24), after the man as a natural product of environment, heritage and historical era is seen used.

In the book focuses on:
-redefinition of naturalism

photography as a means of Illusion-The construction of reality

-naturalistic themes in times of change

interpretation of modern life- The critical reception

-The natural north-Russia and the Nordic countries

-naturalism on stage

-The early naturalistic film mass medium and malt tradition

-The niederländlische painting and naturalism.

you learn about paintings by Thomas Anhutz. His "iron worker at the lunch break," 1880 explained in detail. Another topic is the melancholy mood of the country and city life. Here I have the paintings Jules Bastien-Lepage "hay", 1878, and István Csók "haymaking" 1890 like best. Image object in naturalism are also factory scenes and trade, such as Jean-André Rixens "The rolling of steel", 1887, the world of contemporary politics, including the presentation of the faith, as shown very beautifully in Gari Melchers' The Sermon, 1886. We present a variety of painters in greater detail, including Emile Friant, Leon Lhermitte and Albert Bettanier, but also artists from the north, such as Eero Järnefelt.

Zola's "Germinal" comes up and the Repositioning of naturalism. Impressive is the catalog section on page 162 - 212 The paintings are presented mostly poor, exhausted, hard-working people central theme, the exploitation of the population in the early days and the refuge in the belief in prayer that it may eventually be better. The suffering of the people arises, that the pictures show, almost always from the greed of individuals. This has not changed since the days of naturalism not changed. Zola is getting to the point: "People People should form in which they treat them as people. "How right he has.


The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fix Aux Jack For Car Stereo

My expected to last post ...

So, here I have given you now provided with as some reading and have found three new online content, you should be busy reading for a while. Does it to you in well, for I fear this is my last entry for this year. On Monday morning at 7:00 am
Lawi will drive me and Verena to the airport and it is

Goodbye Porstmouth : (

But for Hello New York, Orlando and Vancouver !!!!!!!!:)

I'm looking forward to the total travel and there are so many great things, we want to do! :)

Unfortunately, I fear that I will only rarely come to the Internet and even will have little time ... Therefore it is most likely appear no new post. But who knows, maybe I'll find on the beach in Florida, the time, so look for quiet times;)

And quite soon so I'm back home in the beautiful Swabia and then I can tell you everything in person! I'm looking forward to crazy at home and expect many welcome visits
;-) See you soon, I'm looking forward to seeing you!

your Sarah

Parachute Hair Oil How Many Hours

Middle School

On Wednesday, I could visit and Verena a school in Portsmouth. The woman was the professor, who last semester at the College, taught there and had invited us to dinner at our joint.

Nick Meriwether So we went to school on Wednesday morning and that was really an experience! It started when we could not enter the building. Unlike Germany, the doors are not open to everyone and when I told Mr. Meriwether that difference, he even said something bad, "Well, since you truly been no attacks by terrorists. Otherwise, would you protect your schools better, "Hmmm ... Well. So we
rang at the door and were then admitted. In the entryway hung a poster with the pace notes, "In God we trust "and the entire school building, numerous flags were hung. Overall, there was again of patriotism of the Americans. Only one thing I do not understand quite. Since there is in America a very strict separation between religion and school (eg, there are also no religious instruction) and then hangs in the entrance of the school, a poster with the motto: With God all things are possible. Huh?

Verena and I then received visitor badges and were led to Mrs. Meriwether. Overall, we were allowed to attend 4 classes and it was super special to me as a prospective teacher interesting. The school was for 5-8. Graders and from principle ago about how a comprehensive school. This means that all pupils are taught in the same school building, but there are a performance division into three groups. So the fifth graders 5.1. equivalent to high school students who 5.2.er with real students and 5.3.er with secondary school students.
Unlike Germany, a teacher shall, however, not according to level, but by age. This means that a teacher teaches only every 5, whether high school or secondary school. However, what I found very enviable is the fact that available in all 3 classes, so the main classes, always a social worker to the actual teacher to the side. And the class size is much smaller than in Germany - on average about 20 students.
As you would know from the movies, has his own spin and every student to lunch to all students frolic in the cafeteria where there was on this day Chicken McNuggets, beans, half a tangerine and Kaba. Very healthy;)

And if you wanted to see the full meal plan: http://www.valleyls.org:81/lunch/

Overall, the teaching was relatively similar from those in Germany.
is excluded from the Sociology-hour in the 7th grade, because all 7.Klässler at the school have led a small laptop with the teaching. This page has been set up which is constructed rather like Facebook, even looks very similar, and post the teacher so only one job to the bulletin board has working the students then the hour. The most of the class is then just sat in front of the laptop, teach an actual by the teacher does not take place. Even the answers need to gather together the students independently from the Internet and then upload their responses to a given time on its side. From there they will be graded by the teacher and posted the next question. Throughout the school year, the 7.Klässler then also still equipped with iPad and the plan is that in 5-10years in each school each student with their own laptops equipped!
How crazy is that? I was really shocked when I came out of the classroom! Why do because then the students come to school at all? And how should create a classroom community where everyone just sits in front of his laptop? Oh man, I really hope that is not well established in Germany!
In another class wrote a math test, which consisted in part of multiple-choice questions. After students had worked out these tasks, they took off on a kind of teacher's desk calculator. In this they were trying then their solutions, which were then sent automatically to the computer of the teacher, so they had no control over the test. The note was then sent back automatically to the students.
my opinion, useless stuff. The money could have been put in much more important things, but that's just typical again America! The entire school has
top. Each classroom has several computers, some classrooms have Smart Boards, are available in every room projector, DVD and video players and of course television.
But even apart from seeing the classrooms look different than in Germany. Except Riess large American flag that hangs in every room are papered with posters against this quasi bully, etc. and now at Christmas time are in some rooms even quite kitschy decorated fake Christmas trees. Total
was the day at the school really very interesting. And although I would have liked a bit more as seen from the school day, I finally came to the conclusion that I am happy to teach in Germany!

سلك Hdmi الى Vga

The Last ...

My days in Portsmouth are as good as counted in the last few weeks, unfortunately, a sentence came increasingly into use: "Oh my gosh, this is the last time ...."
The last time in Walmart for shopping, The last time my phone charge, International Forum Meeting was the last time and my last essay, the last seminar and the final test, the last time in a pub and check my mailbox. The last time the last time .... Aaaah!
I can not tell you what a crazy feeling that. Finally, I have now lived here for four months, lived my life and really had a great time and suddenly it all is coming to an end. A rather stupid feeling!
especially since it now but everything went so fast. The week after Thanksgiving was packed with learning, then stood the tests, everyone was stressed and busy and suddenly it went off.
I tinkered and Verena some parting gifts for close friends and then went away even one by one. It was really kind of stupid from all the people to adopt, especially as is possible, most likely not be seen again. At least not in the near future. And surely that is sad. (
But besides all the learning stress and the planning for our big trip we have at least tried, even as much as possible to take all

So the farewell marathon began on Monday in touch with Jon, we were. with him at home for Mexican food he cooked and invited delicious quesadillas for us.
was on Tuesday evening, then a final common Eating with our two roomies. And only when we sat together, I realized how much I have two now but dear to the heart and the farewell was for me then but much, much worse than I thought even at the beginning of the semester. Although we are four in two different worlds, we have adapted very well to each other at the end and the two are really two very nice girls that I will miss for sure! (

On Wednesday, we then invited James, Matt and Kelly to a farewell dinner for us, it was the last pack noodles and then we played a very funny American game called "Apples to Apples"..

The last cheese dumplings in America

Matt and Kelly with cheese spaetzle, Fleischküchlein and brown sauce

Verena playing


In the game "Apples to Apples" is put a green card with an adjective in the middle of the table. Each player has seven red cards with different terms. Now, each player must choose a word that fits in his opinion, the best adjective to the green. The player who has put the adjective may then decide between all the red cards, which he believes fits best. And here you see a very questionable associations!

On Thursday was big farewell party for the international students. Together we drove to the bowling and laser tag play and to finish in the Japanese restaurant Yamasato. After the meal, then came again, and Matt Kelly to us and we played until the early morning games.

Let's get ready to bowl!

Eric, Trista and Sam

way, I was second:)

Trista and I

And then came the highlight for me! Play laser tag! :)

The girls

The red team

The green team

And then it looked from the inside ...

:) And the games has really totally fun!

In Japanese Resataurant with my chicken Kaku or something like

Our Chinese exchange students

Sams sushi


Trista and Verena

Sam on his tofu discussion ... : D

After dinner, Matt and Kelly came over still with us and we played again Apples to Apples and other games


Matt crumpled remains of the cheese spaetzle

And of course we had to teach Kelly idiot

were on Friday then equal to several partings. By Rita Haider, the woman was responsible for us internationals from Trista, Suzy, Roxy, Hamza and Estefania. And after all these farewells we spent one last evening with our movie-RA Bethany.