Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rhino Tea Side Effect

"Many Secondary school students are ill "

[ FR-Online, 01 June 2010 ]

Professor judge that primary pupils at the lower end of the social Scale are not surprising. But they are also sicker than about high school students who are thinking one.

secondary school students are very often also to the socially disadvantaged. Now we will see that with the load for making a health disadvantage. It will follow. Surprisingly, it is not. Primary pupils die yes, four years earlier than high school graduates, as we know from a study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). And our results show that eleven-to 15-year-old secondary school students have about twice as likely to be charged to health than high school students. This is dramatic.

If your results for support? Finally, they rely solely on the assessment of the students are themselves

course in self-reported risk always get answers that are rated as "socially desirable". But since we are guaranteed anonymity and the young people were neither parents nor teachers questionnaires to face, I think the honesty of high content. Surely give the data a subjective image, but in this specific image, we were also interested. Statistical routine data would have these answers, the views of adolescents do not allow. Moreover, our results show a high Coverage with data from studies that used in addition to subjective data and "objective" indicators, such as the Kigge study of the RKI.

several times a week insomnia, headaches and back pain, dizziness, nausea - that provide 22.6 percent of adolescents and 36 percent of primary students. Is this in mind that times are now fixed pubescent especially on their body?

influence of the social differences, puberty is not so. But of course it plays a role. For example, if started very early, with ten or eleven, it means a higher risk for a health burden. The young people have to deal with her body before, are interested in discovering the opposite sex, their sexuality. This is a stress factor: They are released from early childhood to adult life of the shark tank with all its demands and stresses.

How do you explain the fact that girls in particular often feel sick or bad?

women react more sensitively to their whole body. That may be the reason for the difference. But girls handle stress differently than boys. More in the body clean. Soft guys are rare. Comment is off to play football or wrestle. But they also have a higher risk to seek refuge in alcohol and drugs.

What do you suggest, now to counteract?

health policy alone can do little since. Telling young people that they should not drink or smoke, will avail little. The evil must be tackled at its root. It is a fairer distribution of power, money and education.

How you allocate your education fairer? dispute is in North Rhine-Westphalia, yes, once again just over a longer learning together.

untold Our school system, the social selection accelerated, must be renewed at last. How, one must see. Some states have even the school principal finally abolished. Such drastic results, we certainly would not have all-day schools will receive.

can prevent formation of social selection?

No, probably not, but they can mitigate it. Social conditions can be changed. School can help to facilitate this process, after all, they can also strengthen it, as we know from Pisa.


Matthias Richter is Professor of Medical Sociology at the University of Berne and co-author of the the University of Bielefeld, study "Psychosocial health among children and young people in North Rhine-Westphalia: The importance of age, gender and school type." Interviewed were 4300 students aged eleven to 15 years.

then one in five adolescents suffers from mental health problems.

be charged on most girls and secondary school students. Thus, while estimated 85 percent of all participants about their health as good or excellent. But only ten percent of high school students rated their health more negatively, but 21 percent of secondary school students. The researchers asked for specific symptoms such as headache or back pain, insomnia or nervousness, , the number of victims in at least two of these, several times a week problems suffered almost 27 percent of girls, compared to about 18 percent of boys.

While only twelve percent of high school students quarreled with their lives, dissatisfaction was among the secondary school students with 28 percent more than twice as widespread.

The "unfair distribution of education, power and money," added judge recognized as an evil that must be tackled at its root: "Our untold school system, the selection of reinforced, to be renewed at last." fra


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