Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rectocele Surgery Odor

alone among women

[My Tuesday , Wattenscheid, 28.05.2010]

Annette Wenzel

Wattenscheid. He sees himself as more exotic than a quota man. "There is no quota for men's not in it," says Norbert Sanner. it existed - perhaps the 45-year-old would work not only among women. His profession: elementary school teacher.

deliberately, the teacher, elected for two years at the Gertrude School, this career. "The ability to take decisive influence is, in the first classes at its highest. This has irritated me. " Sanner This is a man, however, relatively lonely furrow: More than 80 percent of all primary school teachers are female.

While studying Sanner his exotic status has not yet become so clear. "Since there are generally more people, and look for the men and find each other," he recalls. "So it was in Teacher." However, arrived in the school day, the teacher more than once seen to be the only man in the College. "Twenty years ago," he says, "there were at each elementary school one more, two men. Now I'm usually the only one. "

Here, by Sanner except for boys in a female dominated environment is important to have positive male role models. "There are many single mothers, and kindergarten work almost exclusively women," he enumerates. So the pictures that have many children of men, decals, stencils on TV "were.

What exactly makes the difference, can not say Norbert Sanner exactly. "But I think that I interact differently with the guys here, as some colleagues do it." And he calls an example: "Boys are physical and therefore try to resolve conflicts and physically. I think the of women is not necessarily always accepted that. "The ladies at his last school in Sprockhövel says Sanner, have also found that men were more relaxed approach to things, they often easier case five to be straight. The children at any rate, says Sanner, would find it cool to have a man as a teacher. "Especially the boys."

Why is it that he's corridor as a primary school teacher in isolation, and can only guess Sanner. "I think the profession has an image problem. There is the view: to teach children the little bit of reading, writing and arithmetic, that can not everybody do not have to . Study "He often hear, he had an interesting job," but it is probably this part, the people think only: "Could the search is no good job 'or' That's just for women '." That his work is comparatively poorly paid - and this could be a reason for the lack of male teachers. "But I knew even twenty, that as academics, if you want a career and earn lots of money, the teacher is not the right place." For him it had never played a role, says Sanner. "I have always found at the primary school most exciting. I get along well with the little ones - it's just what suits me best. "


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