Algunas cosas curiosas
[ Ocata Café, June 2010]
1. La Rioja is the English community with better scores on tests of basic skills assessment. It also has the most foreign students per classroom (18.3%).
2. Migrant students in Galicia are the top performers academically of all migrants. So much so that your score (494) is higher than that of native students in the Basque Country (480), Canary Islands (473), Baleares (473) and Valencia (470).
3. School failure in children is superior in every community to girls. The most notable differences are (by percentage) in La Rioja (40.3 to 21.3), Castilla La Mancha (43.3 to 23.1), Murcia (42.3 to 25.8), Extremadura (40.7 to 24 , 7), Andalusia (41.4 to 26.6), Canary Islands (41.9 to 28.3), Baleares (48.3 to 32.2) and Valencia (45.5 to 29.5).
4. Where are the girls better what is in the Basque Country. Where children have it worse is in Spain. A girl of Guipuzcoa, at the beginning of their schooling, has a 11.8% chance of failure, while a child is 48.3% Baleares.
5. La Rioja, the community has a better student-teacher ratio than that of Asturias, Cantabria, País Basque Castilla y León, Aragón, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura and Murcia.
6. Students are less repeated in the Catalan primary, but are the most repeated in high school.
Children of parents with university degrees earn an average score of 520 points, the children of parents who have not completed their studies, 450.
7. As things stand a student can only aspire to excellence if it is, preferably, from La Rioja (10-9), Asturias (12-6), Castilla y Leon (9-8), Aragon (12-8), Navarre (14-8) and Cantabria (13-7). The first number indicates the percentage of students in levels of results low and the second in the highest income levels. The potential decrease in Catalonia (19-5), Basque Country (16-4) and especially in Andalusia (23-3).
8. The community that spends more per pupil is the Basque Country (9835 euros) and is ranked 14 for results.
9. Yesterday, in a televised debate, the president of Rosa Sensat criticized me (or despised me?) For "resultadista", ie, by noticing things as prosaic and, apparently, so little pedagogical, and results.
Gregorio Luri ( LINK)
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