[InFranken, 17:04:10]
Boys' Day on 22 April wants to interest the young men for allegedly Boys'Day typically female occupations. Primary school teacher Andreas Emmerling wants to be a role model children.
"Technically, women and men equally well," said primary school teacher and vice principal of the school Cunegonde, Andreas Emmerling, in relation to his art.
However, not only because of the Hall wants a more balanced gender ratio in urban renewal of primary education.
of equal strength of teachers and teacher groups, according to the reality Emmerling's experience is far from over. "In the school Gwendolyn there besides me, only a qualified teacher. "
During his training in the 90s were the ladies in the majority." Most of the male teachers who teach in primary schools, date back to the old teacher education. "
Only since the 70s, there is a separate training for elementary and secondary school teachers. And decided mainly women and decide today to become teachers for the first four classes.
his studies Andreas Emmerling began with only one other male peers. And even today, care of Hallstatt, the speaker for prospective teachers in teacher training and teacher training for the University of Bamberg, is predominantly female students: "In the final seminar, there were only women among the trainees were two students in the group - a real exception.".
that he was ridiculed for his career choice as unmanly, Andreas Emmerling has not happened yet. But he knows the usual prejudices, to which "part-time job" but also "women's work" too. "But growing acceptance of the primary school teacher training as an important profession." And rightly so, says Hall Stadter, "Educating means to cooperate in the future of the country."
Just because everyone has his own - and thus the gender-typical - socialization brings into the classroom and a role model to students and has students, the vice-principal of the school Gwendolyn more teachers is important. When male caregivers in the family and school are missing, Emmerling is for the risk "that children are looking elsewhere false idols." Examples of how complementary teachers in the classroom and what can be degraded by teacher stereotypes, there is Andreas Emmerling many: Male and female teachers to bring in a subject different aspects - such as social or technical - with a show teachers that cleanup and brushing are not just women's work, grab women in the work of teaching - or vice versa: "I have myself in my work of instruction already knitted."
Just because everyone has his own - and thus the gender-typical - socialization brings into the classroom and a role model to students and has students, the vice-principal of the school Gwendolyn more teachers is important. When male caregivers in the family and school are missing, Emmerling is for the risk "that children are looking elsewhere false idols." Examples of how complementary teachers in the classroom and what can be degraded by teacher stereotypes, there is Andreas Emmerling many: Male and female teachers to bring in a subject different aspects - such as social or technical - with a show teachers that cleanup and brushing are not just women's work, grab women in the work of teaching - or vice versa: "I have myself in my work of instruction already knitted."
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