[Sleep- Education, Tuesday, May 11, 2010]
"School is undoubtedly one of the few places where male gender is a disqualifying characteristic, "writes Jean-Louis Auduc in the introduction to his new book" Save the boys! ". The book highlights the difficulties of school boys in the French educational system and offers explanations. "Once the primary is a good student a set of attitudes: duties care, be on time ... do not stir ... But the significance of the traditional model in the family helps girls develop listening skills and order. So what? Remedies exist ... Jean-Louis Auduc explains.
Your book is both a call and a little provocative. You say that "school failure has a sex" and that it is the male. It was so contrary in mind an image that is hard to believe you. On what do you support?
This book is a contribution to the fight against school failure, particularly by examining closely the characteristics of the pupils concerned. However, based on 2008 statistics and 2009, examined by genre, it appears that all the objectives set by the various laws passed in recent years concerning the education system:
• 80% of a class age at baccalaureate
• 95% of an age level or CAP SEN
• 50% hold a tertiary qualification
are achieved for girls (1) and that is very far for the boys.
Thus, we often globalizing statistics for reading difficulties. The 2009 statistics show however that there are 15% of men have very low capacity
Very low capacity 8.9% 4.9%
Difficulties Severe 6.1% 3.6%
Players very effective 59% 70%
girls during their schooling so read faster and better than boys, they repeat much less at all levels of the education system fail at least in gaining qualifications, are more references to all examinations and diplomas, as the second level of higher education.
Know the characteristics of those who are failing school seems essential to better treat and also to the failure in some boys do not turn into frustration vis-à-vis girls and does not lead to violence. To better combat violent behavior, we must know all the causes and try to eradicate or at least reduce as much as we can impact.
For thirty years, lived with the idea that diversity itself settled the question of equality. He must return to the test facts. It is not enough to put boys and girls together so that harmony prevails and equality between girls and boys.
Have we sufficiently aware of what is played for boys, regardless of their origins in the early years of their life at school? Have we thought about the difficulties of adapting an increasing number of boys over girls in the school? Boys with learning difficulties facing girls in academic achievement that appear most in connivance with staff overwhelmingly female, tend to feel humiliated and want to show that these are still the strongest in the jostling, assaulting them physically or sexually. To effectively combat violence macho, we must see how today's schools is experienced by more and more boys.
But these differences appear when? They are growing throughout the school system where they subside?
There are two decisive moments:
entry in the learning of reading and writing: Boys are more often in trouble: in 15% cases as against 8.5% for girls. They are less successful tests of understanding and are more likely than girls in the lowest profiles. They also have more deficits in basic mechanisms of language processing. Students in heavy reading difficulties are 7 boys 3 girls. There is a real challenge for the achievement of boys throughout the curriculum, because we know how reading difficulties weigh on further education.
Times of 5e/4e College: Girls perform at school and college courses better in school than boys. At 14, girls are more than two-thirds in the third against half the boys at this age, are about one third to be still in fourth quarter against girls. In French schools, the decisive moment for student orientation is between the fourth class and third class. It affects so young at the age of 14/15 years.
But in this age where much of what will be the success or failure of the educational experience of young people, where the organization asks them to build a personal project, all experts in the psychology of adolescence say, the moment of greatest difference in maturity between boys and girls.
is the importance of this moment, which explains the weight of boys dropping out of school or in the structures hosting troubled youth.
Classes SEGPA 70% 30%
Device "support" college 63% 37%
Relay Devices 78% 22%
In total access age: at "bac", it was 64% boys and 76% of girls for success at the baccalaureate, 57% boys, 71% of girls, to obtain a tertiary qualification ( Bac +2 and more), 37% boys, 50.2% girls, to obtain a license, 21% boys, 32% of girls.
How do you explain that? Are girls smarter? More academically gifted?
It would be a mistake to think that the gap between boys and girls could come fundamentally from biological or genetic differences. The explanations for this gender gap in school are many and complex:
I've already mentioned the difference in maturity between boys and girls during orientation.
professions involved around childhood and adolescence, such as that are engaged with the everyday life of the population, are heavily feminised twenties. Our society must consider the fact that today, between 2 and 18, the youth will not meet to work with them as women faculty (80.3% women in the first degree; 57.2 % women in the second degree, BTS and preparatory classes included), principals, social workers, nurses, lawyers, judges, GPs employed prefecture or city hall, even judges, all of these occupations are overwhelmingly female. ... .. ...
The girls have during their schooling and adolescence, present before them, the fellow women references which they can easily identify with, which to a large extent also explain that they wish, their successful studies, to join these professions they consider meaningful. We may indeed think that girls are moving more spontaneously at the end of their studies towards trades they encounter during their education, with whom they can relate to, they could somehow make models of people who practice them. Girls so often build a school curriculum suited to their chosen trade which allows them to succeed, but do not put aside the fact that this identification may eventually curb their ambitions.
Changes in family structure must in fact be taken into account. It is not that female headship can be a problem for boys. In blended families, restructured or broken that grow more and more and on which we must refrain from wearing any trial, the woman most often appears as the central permanent solid ground around which family composition will change over time. Such positioning of the mother as a pivot can not but affect the image that makes himself the boy at the age of puberty and questions about its future.
In addition, two-thirds of parental work according to a study by the National Family Allowances Fund (CNAF) in March 2009 weigh on the shoulders of women. It is they who deal in most cases, clothing, accompaniments to school, homework, bedtime for children.
Are they more academically supported by parents?
Differences in educational achievement between boys and girls who appear in primary school can probably be explained by representations on the girls' activities and activities of boys who have endured so today that the economic situation and Social profoundly changed. Attitudes change more slowly than mutations disrupting the organization of society.
Thus, some parents think they can still, as was the reality during previous generations, as:
- boys can not succeed school, because with their physical strength they can always find jobs open to non-graduates in the primary sector (agriculture, mining or fishing); as many jobs existing there are one or two generations and missing today ... This belief, unfortunately wrong, can lead parents not to be very attentive to the education of their sons, thinking that their integration into employment will be easier than girls ...
- girls on the other hand, in the eyes of many families, must necessarily have a certain educational background to find a job, and have been for generations, since their primary occupations were virtually prohibited ... .. These parents therefore tend to worry very soon academic learning and achievement of girls as they give them more importance than those of boys in terms of their future life ....
must also show that boys are also affecting the disappearance of all the rituals of social integration at some point in their lives and the reigning blur between 16 and 25 around the inlet in adulthood.
In the construction of his personality, the young, specifically the boy, because he lives in his body less the transition to adulthood has always needed rites of initiation, transmission and integration. These have long been religious (confirmation, communion, solemn) and civic (the "three days", the national service). Today, there is virtually no rites of initiation and transmission, which, since nature abhors a vacuum, leaving the field open to the integration process carried out within the framework of "bands" of various groups or even by sects or religious fundamentalism.
few days ago, at a symposium hosted by ParisTech, the Director of International Relations, Ministry of Education Finland, Eva Penttilä, explained that in this key country for its egalitarianism and its academic success, an enormous gap has opened between girls and boys, 70% of girls graduate from higher against 45% of males (a rate that is still dreaming!). Do you think that women teachers can also play?
The figures for Finland in the first degree in higher education are quite similar to the results obtained on French a bachelor's degree, which in terms of years of study and modes of selection after compulsory schooling comes at about the same. The gender gap that exists in all developed countries, particularly European ones, seem to highlight the causes outlined above.
All studies also show that very soon the students are paying increasing attention to learning outcomes, assessments of the teacher, about their classmates so as to lie against each other, especially when are notes and selections, which is the case in Finland after compulsory schooling. The studies show that individually, despite the diversity in the classroom, students compare deliberately within their gender group.
Such information suggests that a student take as an example to inspire others n'ad'influence in the best cases than those of the same sex as the model. No, no student can not serve as an example to all.
Building, woman for a teacher or a teacher man on the group of female students in academic achievement that puts forward, saying that it will move all students in the class appears as an inefficient approach and perhaps even cons- productive.
Also be aware that students mostly choose their references not only among students of the same sex but they consider within their reach. Students who have 5 / 20 and gives more attention to classmates filled an average of 6 or 7, as those who are 14.
Thus sets up a dangerous spiral: Students troubled boys rather than girls to compare success, focus instead on their classmates whose academic performance is worse than theirs. Likely to reassure them, this comparison does not progress. These students are permanently installed in their failures and problems at school because satisfied precisely not to be quite recent.
address these issues, the Presidency Swedish EU organizes on 17 and 18 November a symposium at which I will participate in Uppsala (Sweden) on "gender differences in education systems", including a roundtable on "Segregation by gender and marginalized boys
Few disciplines have thought seriously about parity (to my knowledge, only the EPS). What can teachers do?
Remember also that he has been out for twenty years dozens of books, especially related to school Kindergarten and elementary to help girls succeed, they can better understand the textbooks. What is significant is that to my knowledge, it is not yet released books about teaching kindergarten and elementary pedagogy devoted to possible to the achievement of boys.
To enable everyone to feel good no matter what difficulties it may be interesting for example in primary schools to work specifically within hours with the boys on vocabulary, understanding how to work in the act of reading, to ensure a better learning conditions with the whole class. And this, especially if some guys think that "reading is a case of girls." This may include establishing a differentiated teaching boys and girls through separate times for a few hours.
Rather than seeing a group of college boys to retreat to the bottom and stir for a French class where girls dominate in the mastery of language written or oral, may be more useful to include a division into two groups, one for girls deepening a particular concept and boys, specifically working on basic skills to enable them to progress as a class.
It's sort of building for boys is known far behind girls on skills in French, customized programs for educational success as they could without fear of light girls, specifically work few hours a week on these issues to better catch the level payable by the nation for all students.
We nevertheless feel that the more negative direction reverses the girls final result. Do they not refrain sectors of excellence? Do you agree that in the end (including vocational integration), girls are doing so well?
Diplomas where girls are not the majority in the school system in 2008 are primarily vocational training so-called short when girls are underrepresented compared to boys (as a result of their higher academic achievement).
- GCSE Professional Series
- Bac STI (Science and Technology industrial)
- Bin STAE (Science and Technology of agronomy and environment)
- Bac professional
The only boys who "float" in much smaller proportion than girls are boys who choose to go as far as possible in school without worrying about a job identified a priori. Most often it is the family environment that encourages them to adopt this behavior, which is a factor in the fact that for some large schools, the "democratization" has declined in favor of a situation where it is family networks remain the most meaningful.
Girls in all bachelor's degrees have more scientific terms very well or that the boys and the Chemistry Olympiad (XXIV edition. 2009), girls "monopolize" two of the top three spots for the final classes and eight out of ten top places for first-class ....
This increase graduation was before the crisis, the impact on female employment: "To the left training for 1-4 years, unemployment among women is generally of 14.8 % of men by 17.1%. In 2007, women are as numerous as men generally occupy a permanent job, whereas in previous generations, women were more often employed on fixed-term (Note CEREQ No. 248, January 2008)
The mistake is to think that "glass ceiling" still exists come from the gender differences in the initial training of youth, when he comes to the distribution of work and parenting in society who did not changed over the last forty years.
establish true equality between men and women in the academic success of each other would certainly be able to address in education is another picture of the distribution of tasks between men and women in society. Want to do today while the boys feel disadvantaged, and they are indeed in the school can only lead to failure.
I wonder if the issue is not raised more boys from working class backgrounds (the equivalent of poor white schools English) more than boys in general. Question of culture or class gender issue?
It is difficult to investigate combining gender and social categories. DEPP has recently conducted an on children born in 1997 on the repetition in elementary school. The daughters of workers have similar results (21% repeaters) than boys, children of employees. The daughters of employees with 17% of repeaters had similar results to those of male children of merchants, artisans, farmers.
All classes have a social gap between the scores of boys and girls, for girls, although the gap is much more important for children of farmers, and inactive traders and artisans than in children of officers or employees.
The difference is:
- 10 points for the children of farmers
- 9 points for inactive children
- 7 points for the children of merchants or craftsmen
- 6 points for children of workers
- 4 points for children of employees
- 3 points for children of cadres
Although this difference is probably accentuated in families whose parents have immigrated from North Africa , Black Africa, Turkey, Pakistan, there are one or two generations. In these families, girls may feel exploited in the school which is not always the case at home where they are an auxiliary of the mother, while boys may be considered "petty kings" in home and are considered like everybody else at school.
Your book as a call. What do you recommend? Schools in unisex as we know him?
The statement on "sexual divide" should therefore not lead to systematic questioning of mixed classes, but it forces us to reflect on how to deal with this reality in the daily ..
It is no longer possible to simply run a mix, which would only put boys and girls together with the intention not to practice any differentiation based on gender. It is not clear whether separate classes can reduce the massive academic failure of boys in our country, and they may, according to some foreign studies, reinforce stereotypes sex, encourage ignorance and prejudice towards the other sex, accentuate the differences in education .... The choice is probably not totally separate classes of boys and girls and the maintenance of mixed classes without thinking about living together and pedagogical approaches to implement.
should be no doubt in some disciplines, some learning, organize activities for the whole class and activities separated by gender to better take into account as part of a differentiated learning rhythms and approaches each. We saw in France, as part of physical education and sex education, it is possible to provide single-sex groups.
The 4th class of the college classroom where the difference in maturity between boys and girls most often appears as the most important, where the crisis in masculinity is the most present. It is therefore necessary to avoid "losing face" for boys experiencing difficulties, avoid oral examinations by the table to make public the shortcomings of the weakest. Care must be taken to balance interactions, questions in class that does not form a group of boys as teachers often say, losing interest in a course that does not interest them, by failing to look out the window or not staying out of place. This 4th class we can call "all hazards" because it is the class of adolescence, guidance, where sometimes develop truancy and school dropout males, it is necessary to consider a good mix of their teachers involved. We must ensure, in particular, that teachers at this level does are not exclusively women.
It seems also essential to have meetings on the direction of girls to boys separated to present the richness of possible occupations to work specifically on issues related to difficulties in orientation for boys including those of school failure.
should probably develop campaigns to explain to the boys they can be teachers, doctors, judges, social workers, as many professions where small number of men can be a problem to society tomorrow. ... ..
my functions, I follow education in vocational school teachers who pass the examination and making their internships in the departments of the Academy of Creteil. Among the receipts, there are about 16% of boys. However, when the board tenure, among the young trainees perceived difficulties, there are 55% boys 45% girls.
Obviously, given these numbers, the boys are not well received in all schools by their female colleagues, then there would be a welcome diversification of personnel involved, to students, including working to prevent the failure of boys in primary school. There is in this area to make an effort to ensure that equality and diversity of such boys and girls are a reality among teachers and will likely give youth identity markers.
these difficulties to be inserted for an internship in a company to obtain a diploma facing the professional esteem and self-image that can have their own boys. They say they can not be judged for what they really are, but compared to the devaluing of prejudice against girls.
It is not surprising that such realities provide "grist" for certain ideologies condemned the demeaning images of women and to exacerbate and to overvalue masculine behavior. To combat these ideologies, and it is a necessity, we must not only denounce it, but address really at the root of all evils, taking care to do that in all areas of daily life, there is a real gender equality.
It is not possible for a company to have more than 100,000 boys leaving school failure in the education system.
Republic must in the coming years to save the boys, if its values of equality appear to whole sections of society as words without meaning and not acts, giving weapons to certain groups including combating violence, our model of democratic society and undermine the equal rights of girls and boys.
Solve the massive early school boys, is to restore hope and common sense of belonging to youth in crisis, in quest of identity. What a nice challenge for a society!
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