Monday, May 24, 2010

Congratulations Messages For Marriage T

I apologize I have long left to hear nothing from me. Unfortunately, I must admit that since a few weeks ago came the awareness of how little time I have nurnoch here, my motivation for permanent leadership blog is a little faded. Nevertheless, a few new stories from my life.

was 2 weeks ago from my organization ACI organized an "International Day" in which all volunteers should be involved. A total of 22 countries should be presented. We all had creative freedom. Presentations, meals, everything was allowed. The week before that, we have not all worked in our jobs, but in the ACI office. The week was great, we've all seen again and have a lot of super together made have gone to dance and have the latest Stories Tico-shared. The Germans ultimately won, we are with our "ICE stand. I was in the food group. Along with Merle, Peter and Christy, we have worked on cakes, hamburgers and potato salad. Because sometimes you had to pick up the phone and ask the mom for advice! Ultimately, Merle's and my first crumble succeeded marvelously, just like the rest of the men.

well the past few months here in the rich coast I try to enjoy, so it goes. Wilberth asks me regularly really about enjoying my time. I have all the freedoms.

the Wednesday class is top. I am more than satisfied with my students. The number dropped to about 25 is gone bye, I am very stressed out corresponding. It is a friendly group who are watching in class, make your homework, and, surprisingly, almost everything I teach them to have on it the next week top. The perfect student, so it's fun. I can (and should) teach them a lot, and I really enjoy, have the responsibility to ensure that they have in there the material for her English degree too. The next volunteer is then directly sometimes a little bit of work! Also, it makes me very happy that I therefore can also leave an impression on some people from Alajuelita, not only for the internal and the Hogar Zoe. You get to know not only the people but also their lives. As we learn sometimes inadvertently, that "once again" someone was shot behind the church. "Since my heart slipped into his trousers, as I drove in the traffic jam, I had my lobes present and thought to control me !"... you get to hear.

In the center there is, as always. Which does not mean that it is boring, but rather that I mitlerweile accustomed to unusual stories from the ghetto have. Conoce cheers me on a regular basis. From the Limon Group, which was once arrived, one is left nurnoch, as always. Some are new there, including one that I did not know so well. He can not walk, has a hole in my stomach, I do not know whether it is the stomach or intestine, which he was attached artificially. That's right I can not explain it. Anyway, he must really always wear everywhere. I've been told that he had robbed someone and then he was stabbed in the stomach. Since he is now disfigured with a hole in my stomach. Alex has
, near my bus stop with a "Compa" sold drugs (ehm, vegetables!), can be about me regularly aligned greetings to his friend. Last week, this called, Wes (ley) (now nurnoch Pejibaye, a vegetable that is sold here, cooked and does not sell drugs anymore ... says Alex) then given me a bag Pejibaye nothing, which then direct my Abuela times ne soup made. Although Alex had thought, but he will surely understand. At lunch, he then moved last week even with the comment "If I see you in San Jose around with a man, then I steal from the! For my daughter!" .. out. "Why is that? May I have any friends?" .. no, because I was too young for. I asked Juan at what he thinks because to do so. Alex was right, I was too young. His daughter drüfte have no friend who is 21 Was quite sweet as they are gesort. I can probably lucky that my father is not a Tico. That I
Penner Maikol again in the center of "Chepe", San Jose, I ran into, was for me nothing new. Christian and Merle found it amusing, as I afterwards called Maikol any questions about God and the world, so perhaps to get some dough (or whatever!) .. "Benita knows them all ."... even if I meet familiar faces with slight influence of drugs on the street, I'm struck that emotionally pure nothing more. Even Jimmy from Puntarenas, the I always tell new stories women ("Mi mucho love you baby") to me last week was on the way to the box at the bus stop across the road. He is very thin, has once again become a "crack-face" and also admitted saying that he was not in the best condition. I felt sorry that he did not free himself from drugs. On the whole I can about some stories that had brought me from months to perhaps trim, nurnoch smile. Also from Wilberth you hear more often "Aaaaaaaaaah, as you have learned what he!" .. oh yes, I have.

In July it goes to my last long trip: to Colombia. After I borrowed the guide was so half-time read, I am no joke really excited on this trip! I will also travel alone, which again is also new, but I'm curious. According to legend, the tourists will still be overflowed non sponge to Colombia and it will be one of the most beautiful countries in South America.

So I went Friday in the Clinica Biblica, to let me inject the yellow fever vaccination, which is needed for South America. Frisch was vaccinated, I then asked to go to the "Ministerio de salud", issued by the hospital with a form to leave me which then give the card for my passport. Get out of the hospital, I sat down in the next best taxi and gave the taxi driver to "direccion", address, or more precisely, the direction of. "Ah, Ministerio de salud, because give a really strong spray !!!", the driver snorted at me. "I've got the syringe, there must only pick up what .." I replied. Then he burst shot .. "I had to go there once, many years ago, it was in 1990, because a woman has given me a disease. As I was told," Go to the Ministerio de Salud, which will help "so I went there. The doctor said "Look here, sit the syringe, it is best to keep the iron rod stuck here" ... but I wanted to stay strong. Well, that I had it! Right after, I was drunk like. She has sat on the injection "... I told the taxi driver. Then came another "The disease was Hksbndfjnd (or something), do you know syphilis ??"... "Ehm .. I've ever heard .." ... "Something in the way it was, only a lower stage of syphilis. Fortunately, I was cured, the syringe" .. Quite amused as to how the taxi driver to me here about his sexually-transmitted diseases to the year in which I was born, said that it was even worse.
Well, then came the usual "Where are you from" questions, and the typical "I'd be so happy if I had a German wife. So pretty German women .. blabla", I already know. I joked with him first, "Ah, pretty as the Ticas ?"... received in response I "The problem with the Ticas is that they are so unfaithful !"... I had to intervene "So when it comes to loyalty, both take two probably nothing. Since neither the Ticos still Ticas lot with the hat !"... He directly told me that he has lost his wife because he was unfaithful to her. But then came the hammer. The syphilis-cured taxi driver he told me how he and then his ex-girlfriend whom he had met with 13, has lost because she was unfaithful. When I heard only the number 13, I hooked directly to times and got to hear the story.
He was 30, her 13th She is madly in love with him because she came from a poor family and he regularly send flowers, bracelets, watches and has given other bells and whistles. Of course, all this without ulterior motives and he had no control. In any case, she fell completely. He has also never thought to associate with her intimate. But then, it was New Year's Eve, she wanted to sleep with him. He learned that she was still a virgin. Yes, and then, ...), with the influence of alcohol (I know how it is that's happened. "Oh, and then also happened a few times by mistake, which I threw ?..", ironically in the room" Yes exactly, "and got a laugh, only. He would then be in love too. How could this happen because I asked, she was only 13, but can not make a 30-year-old man. He did not even have to be in love with her. He think it was because she was so young and clean and new. "Aaaaaha," I thought to myself only! Well at least the parents are so nobody had agreed because he had to steal it. WHAT? HOW, STEAL? He had called her and said "you pack a couple of panties one, so wear a pair of pants, I'm coming over with the car, then you jump out the window clean to me, and I will carry you," have done so then sies . Then he was wanted by the parents and the police, he was wanted by all, was really enormous thing, he said it as it would have been nothing. Why he would have been doing, that this could not answer yes, I told him quite shocked. He should have done it because the parents so against what the relationship had. Unbelievable, I thought. He lived eight years with this woman, she gave him twins. How many years ago, I asked. "I do not remember, so it was 14/15." .. Then yes! But then, after 8 years, she is unfaithful to him.
He wanted to install it as proof that the bad Ticas are unfaithful, yes!

Otherwise, a few new pictures from the beach Playa Dominical on the Pacific.

Here are some new Hogar Zoe's photos!

Juan and I am dancing!
at work.
Pipa with his cell phone that he inherited from his father. He regularly shows me the latest text message from his Chicas.

Wilberth: "I do waiting Benita degree as if I have to work Do I still just like I would write here what, and images made?" was

Pipas amateur engraved Cobra Tattoo

Alex (from him spoken above), with tattoo of the name of his daughter (left) and with his mother (right)
name of his wife

"Hillary", name of his other daughter.

He was once a male prostitute for men ..

Conocer towards Wilberth office

Lester & I, he has now been a few months!

Pipa on rumnerven.
Conocer Wilberth finally arrived at the office.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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school soon male-free zone

[ Kleine Zeitung, 18.04.2010]

Only eight percent of primary school teachers are male. What are the consequences in the absence of male caregivers?

Harald Schabus belongs to a minority. The Graz school teacher is among the minority of male teachers who care in Styria still the youngest school children. 3768 teachers are faced with only 332 teachers. An Austria-wide trend that intensified in years. After all, in 1971 taught for 45 percent male Teachers in elementary schools. There

reasons for the dramatic decline are many. Harald Schabus leads him back to include payment and image. Why he has chosen for the elementary school? "Working with young children, I was sympathetic because they are still open. What are you, get back."
As one of the reasons for the decline will locate to the Innsbruck education professor Josef Aigner changed the profession and the loss of image. "The cognitive knowledge is used to standing in the foreground, today is the socio-educational field. But men do communicate knowledge. In addition, teachers with us as a part-time . Are employed doormat of the nation "

is essential for Aigner a change in the entire training:" We are an image of a primary school teacher would need a specialist in childhood as a whole "
about the effects of" femininity cage "in which. Children are increasingly are, experts still disagree. "We do not know. In a male world, but male characteristics are emphasized less space. In kindergarten, we have seen that more children run riot, act physically stronger, when a man plays with them. You have to suppress less. "
Harald Schabus comes after 26 years of professional experience to a similar conclusion: "The boys need male role model it would be desirable if children had more male caregivers.."

The deputy president of the state school board, Elisabeth Meixner knows the problem a long time. "The schools feminize. Tragically, this happens almost unnoticed and there are few strategies to counteract this trend." In a pilot project, they now allows AHS students to visit elementary schools. "Over the next ten years, half the teachers retire. The aim would be to win as many men for the job."

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A man in a woman's

[InFranken, 17:04:10]

Boys' Day on 22 April wants to interest the young men for allegedly Boys'Day typically female occupations. Primary school teacher Andreas Emmerling wants to be a role model children.

"Technically, women and men equally well," said primary school teacher and vice principal of the school Cunegonde, Andreas Emmerling, in relation to his art.

However, not only because of the Hall wants a more balanced gender ratio in urban renewal of primary education.

of equal strength of teachers and teacher groups, according to the reality Emmerling's experience is far from over. "In the school Gwendolyn there besides me, only a qualified teacher. "

During his training in the 90s were the ladies in the majority." Most of the male teachers who teach in primary schools, date back to the old teacher education. "

Only since the 70s, there is a separate training for elementary and secondary school teachers. And decided mainly women and decide today to become teachers for the first four classes.

his studies Andreas Emmerling began with only one other male peers. And even today, care of Hallstatt, the speaker for prospective teachers in teacher training and teacher training for the University of Bamberg, is predominantly female students: "In the final seminar, there were only women among the trainees were two students in the group - a real exception.".

that he was ridiculed for his career choice as unmanly, Andreas Emmerling has not happened yet. But he knows the usual prejudices, to which "part-time job" but also "women's work" too. "But growing acceptance of the primary school teacher training as an important profession." And rightly so, says Hall Stadter, "Educating means to cooperate in the future of the country."
Just because everyone has his own - and thus the gender-typical - socialization brings into the classroom and a role model to students and has students, the vice-principal of the school Gwendolyn more teachers is important. When male caregivers in the family and school are missing, Emmerling is for the risk "that children are looking elsewhere false idols." Examples of how complementary teachers in the classroom and what can be degraded by teacher stereotypes, there is Andreas Emmerling many: Male and female teachers to bring in a subject different aspects - such as social or technical - with a show teachers that cleanup and brushing are not just women's work, grab women in the work of teaching - or vice versa: "I have myself in my work of instruction already knitted."

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A day for guys

[Time, 2010]

In the promotion of girls had been achieved a lot, says the family minister. Now is the turn of the opposite sex

The TIME: Mrs. Schroeder, you will soon change the name of your ministry?

Kristina Schroeder, Why?

TIME: It is the Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. Given the absence of the men.

Schröder to a name change was intended. The truth is, however, that this government made the first specific one boy and Men's policy will operate.

TIME: Why?

Schröder: First, because a modern family policy with the men not working. Second, we know that not everything as it used to girls, but boys are the problem children. You sit more often, are more often without training, make high school less frequently. The task of policy must be to eliminate this disadvantage. In girls, we have achieved a lot, now we want to achieve with the boys as much.

TIME: What do you intend to do?

Schröder: The poorer performance of boys is in part because that kindergartens and schools dominated by female are. In the day-care centers are only three percent of men teachers.

TIME: What should it be bad?

Schroeder: I do not think that teachers or teachers consciously discriminate against boys, as they give lower grades. But the fact is that many boys growing up without men. They lack so realistic role models. Sometimes developed into a cult of masculinity, the violence even idealized.

TIME: These are extreme cases.

Schröder: but make us very worried. In the macho culture that we find in some immigrants, but also for example, right-wing youths, often prevailing view, a man could beat his wife or he must defend his honor with violence. related to these false notions of masculinity must promote boys a response.

TIME: young educators have been warning today at the thought that boys are no longer allowed to be boys.

Schröder: Boys have a natural need to measure their physical strength, so to rave and fight. Not every fight has to stop so the same with a mediator. I also see in many educational institutions, the danger, consider the more adapted behavior of girls as the norm. It should be the latent greater aggressiveness of boys but in responsibly "direct.

TIME: Such as?

Schröder: In Offenbach, there is a project called "hard but fair - Northrend boxing club," train the boy to box and practice the same rules and discipline. They also get help with homework. This is extremely good.

TIME: Where will the teachers come from?

Schröder: Together with the Federal Employment Agency, we want to retrain unemployed men to educators. In Brandenburg we have made good experience. Since there are former tradesmen who use their skills today kindergartens. These new teachers are being recruited even from other provinces.

TIME: not terrify the poor pay more in educational institutions from the men?

Schröder: In need, we also speak. However, one must know that the payment of motor vehicle mechatronics is much better. In the kindergarten or primary school must be able to of course take a career. This requires that we enhance the professional training for educators - for example, by bottoming technical college.

TIME: How do you win the boys?

Schroeder: for example, by a Boys Day, we offer in 2011 in parallel with the Girls Day. For ten years we have done on this day, to attract girls to non-female occupations. But boys can be when choosing a career guide still very different from stereotypes. Here, the traditional male professions in which it comes to power or mechanical skills, less and less. The future is in services - particularly in the social field that is now dominated by women, for example in the elderly.

TIME: How should the school more attuned to the needs of boys?

Schröder: Teachers need to consider the interests of boys better. For the often prefer to read adventure books and essays as stories, in which it comes to relationships or animals. It may also belong to a gender-sensitive education, boys and girls to teach in each subject at times disconnected. But also we should only worry about if there is scientific evidence.

TIME: Have you ever had the feeling it more difficult to have a girl or woman?

Schroeder: No, neither at school nor at university. Meanwhile, women in politics in all parties generally welcomed with open arms. Also, because we think that women voters arrive at very good.

TIME: If the project is to feminism as passé?

Schroeder: I have a feminist doing battle against the men, always looked at critically. Nor do I believe in the thesis of Simone de Beauvoir, that one was not born a woman but only to be made. Yet my generation benefited from much of what women have fought for. Unlike in the past, I also believe that a quota for women is sometimes necessary. For example, in my party, the CDU. As the calls while quorum, but a kind of soft quota.

PERIOD: And the economy?

Schroeder: I was on a voluntary and competitive. Companies that undertake such as Telekom at a higher percentage of women have my sympathy. For me, distinguishes a progressive enterprise, the strengths use of both sexes.

TIME: What can women better?

Schröder: These are generally solution-oriented and pragmatic. The principle, "It was already said everything, not just seems to me," I am more a male invention.

TIME: Is Angela Merkel is an example of female leadership?

Schroeder: Yes, especially when compared with the more macho Gerhard Schröder. The Chancellor is not something Actress.

TIME: Where do you see women or disadvantaged?

Schröder: In parts of the economy, while women are partly to blame, that while get better grades, but not the better jobs. In salary negotiations, for example, they tend to put their light under a bushel. And they are too timid when executive positions are filled. You rather wait out that they are asked. But Until that happens, only five men have raised my hand. Women should be as confident.

TIME: Maybe women do not have a presence around the clock, what is required of this country, many managers still.

Schröder: These are anachronistic corporate culture there. Who feels responsible for his family can not afford it - whether man or Woman. Yet I see up in a bit. Even in law firms or consulting firms, where the presence of culture has so far been important, more attention is paid to family-friendliness. Nevertheless, I would like to see more men, if a meeting is set to 19 clock say: You can not, because I have an appointment - with my children.

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" Girls have overtaken boys'

[NWZ Online]

Future Wilfried Bos calls for a balanced relationship between gender roles - women shy away from the career

Jessica Chmura

QUESTION: Mr Bos, the Education Action Council criticized a "blatant minority participation of boys in higher forms of educational activity. Have the girls, the boys hung in the school?

BOS : The girls have overtaken boys definitely. Still, the boys slight advantage in math and science, but in German and read the girls are clearly far ahead.

QUESTION: what's going on?

BOS I mean, that about is the disadvantage of boys in reading this does, that the issues do not simply take their interests. You want to get to yes. But boys are performance-oriented and interested in more rather than competition for relationship articles, as they are often read in school. These issues are contrary to the girls. Would the other hand, chemistry classes are declared using cosmetics, it would be interesting for the girls.

QUESTION: So should the school be reformed?

BOS : school is the way it is now organized, not necessarily something for boys. They generally show more behavior problems fight, and run around like, and developmental psychology comes to that boys more difficult to sit quietly for a long time. The girl, the better.

QUESTION: actually less bars boys, and girls are valued simply better?

BOS : Boys do less often. But when do boys and girls match, the girls are better evaluated.

QUESTION: performance orientation is men's business, make something for women - this sounds like a pretty superficial role division ...

BOS : Similarly, unfortunately. Of course it would be nice if we had a balanced relationship between gender roles. The women are indeed more powerful in the school, are well trained and work to the study into very motivated - but they deny the career. They trust are generally less than they can, leaving the less qualified men go first. Others think of their family role and do prefer to look after their children instead of making career.

QUESTION: have overlooked educational policy makers on the deficiencies of the school boys for years?

BOS : They had in the past 30 years, a very one-sided view. In the discussion about discrimination against women, the disadvantaged boys fit just not into it.

QUESTION: Is it place at the time, focus efforts on the promotion of the boys - as a "Future"?

BOS : From those special days I do not believe. Apparently the education system is not so much on the needs and interests of boys, and has lost sight of it was just not in vogue. But it is also a general fault in the system. You'd have to get more men into the nursery and primary schools, that fails often at low pay. Men will find practical do not and are missing - even if only the mother at home takes on the education and works of the Father, and in kindergarten and primary school only women are responsible for the training. Again, a balanced relationship between gender roles would be desirable.

QUESTION: work have the disadvantages, the boys at school because of not on their professional career?

BOS : Rather less. That in which the boys remain at school or similar, in their professional life again. A man does not ask first if he can master the task, but it just kind of done. Well-educated women, in contrast to pull back as quickly. For the community it is not good, if often make less well-trained male career. But that's where the economy, the poorer but more willing men.

QUESTION: ask so more women in leadership positions?

BOS : Women are well trained to trust leadership positions, but despite great marks not. This is bad for society, because women thus deprive their skills to social benefit.

Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bos is the director of the Institute for Education Development Research at the Technical University of Dortmund.

work includes empirical research methods, Quality Assurance in Education, International Educational Research, Evaluation and Educational Research China.

Bos is a member of the Education Action Council. The expert panel of renowned scientists engaged in education on the basis of extensive expertise and research with the current situation in the German education system and evaluates it.

years 2009 report dealing with the scientists' gender differences in the education system. " In it they demand that the German education system is much more the heterogeneity must accept. Should also consider differences between the sexes and practical implications are derived.

Monday, May 17, 2010

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Why the feminine touch is failing boys at school

[ The National, May 14. 2010]

Christopher Reynolds

Boys are not doing well at school. The difference between the academic achievement levels of boys and girls has reached such proportions that in western countries, teachers are now talking of a “boy crisis”.

In the United States, only 65 per cent of boys now finish high school, against 72 per cent of girls, while here in the UAE, the problem appears worse with only 27 per cent of males attending university, against 70 per cent of females.

This problem with the difference between boy and girl achievement levels does not appear to stem from inferior learning ability or the demands of a high-performance curriculum. It may, in fact, be directly related to the gender of the teacher and, particularly, a female approach to teaching and learning.

Thomas Dee, in an article titled The Why Chromosome, analysing data from the US National Education Longitudinal Survey, says: “A teacher’s gender does have large effects on pupils’ test performance, teacher perceptions of pupils, and pupils’ engagement with academic material. Simply put, girls have better educational outcomes when taught by women, and boys are better off when taught by men.”

In the United States and Canada, along with Britain and Australia, women are now some 90 per cent of teachers in primary school and 75 per cent of teachers across primary and secondary school. There is a growing shortage of male teachers as men choose other professions in the face of low pay, anti-male sentiment and the increasing dominance of a feminine model of teaching.

Historically, teaching as a profession has attracted women and for more than 100 years they have dominated the teaching profession, with many of the boys they have taught growing up to become successful men. However, there are many boys who do not cope with a female model of teaching and are underachieving and suffering from learning problems.

Based on data from the US department of education in 2006, it appears that the gender of the teacher does make a difference to pupil learning. The overall effect of having a female teacher instead of a male raises the achievement of girls by four per cent of a standard deviation and lowers the achievement of boys by the same amount, producing an overall gender gap of eight per cent of a standard deviation.

The implication is that as this deficit in learning can occur in a single year, the deficit is compounded with continuous years of teaching by a female teacher. By the time pupils reach 17, boys score 31 per cent of a standard deviation below girls in reading ability, a deficit equal to about one grade level. In general, a female social science teacher increases a girl’s performance by nine per cent, while a female science teacher will decrease a boy’s score by five per cent of a standard deviation. While girls prefer female teachers, boys don’t. An analysis of the data shows that learning from a teacher of the opposite gender has a detrimental effect on the pupil’s academic progress and engagement at school.

Regardless of the academic subject, when a class is taught by a woman, boys are twice as likely as girls to be seen as disruptive, inattentive and unlikely to complete their homework.

In the United States, boys make up 71 per cent of school suspensions, make up 90 per cent of children diagnosed as having learning disabilities and even in primary school are twice as likely, at 8.3 per cent, to be held back a grade. By the age of 17, 42 per cent of boys will have been suspended from school at least once. These problems in education are exacerbated in the UAE ,where the Ministry of Higher Education in August 2009 disclosed that only 27 per cent of Emirati boys were attending high school, against 70 per cent of Emirati females.

While the results of an analysis of US data suggests that gender does make a difference, the issue is not really the gender of the teacher but the different kind of teaching needed for boys and girls arising from their genetically different brains and styles of learning. The real problem is that boys are not girls and don’t learn like girls.

A feminine model of co-operative learning and inclusiveness may be helping girls but it is disadvantageous for boys as they can become increasingly disengaged from the learning process. Many women are successful teachers, but as a rule, boys do not respond well to female teaching methods.

The way boys learn and their readiness to learn is different to girls. At the age of six or seven, when children start serious schooling, boys are six to 12 months less neurologically developed than girls. They are especially delayed in what is called fine-motor co-ordination, which is the ability to use their fingers carefully and to hold a pen or scissors. And since they still need “gross-motor” development, they will be itching to move their large muscles around. Boys have 30 per cent more muscle than girls and, therefore, their senses seek to move more than girls to flex their muscles. Boys fidgeting in class and roaming around the room is just their bodies trying to find expression – not them being naughty children.

From the time a baby is born, male and female brains are different. Indeed, from six to seven weeks after conception, embryos designed to be male receive a “hormone bath” of testosterone, which influences the development of the brain. The testosterone actually changes the walnut-shaped brain and alters its structure and even its colour.

Testosterone doesn’t just play a role in male development into manhood, but also has a profound impact on a boy’s development of mind and body from before they are born. At birth, a baby boy has as much testosterone in his bloodstream as a 12-year-old boy. The levels drop a few months after birth, will rise again at the age of four or five for reasons that no one understands, and again at about 14.

Throughout his life, testosterone will affect a male’s every thought and action. Indeed, levels of testosterone can rise and fall in response to challenge, achievement or even failure in any given day.

Most experts believe boy’s tendency to take risks, to be more assertive, to fight and compete, to argue, to boast, and to excel at certain skills such as problem solving, maths and science is directly linked to how the brain is hard-wired and to the presence of testosterone.

While testosterone is the fundamental determinant of male thinking and behaviour, there are other aspects of male brain chemistry and make-up that affect thinking and behaviour to make the male quite a different learner to girls. In teaching children, there are a number of differences between the male and female brains to take into consideration.

For girls, stronger neural connections mean that girls have more sensual detail memory, better listening skills and better discrimination among various tones of voice. This leads to greater use of detail in writing assignments. Larger memory storage areas lead to better learning ability, especially in language. Girls make fewer impulsive decisions and tend to use more cortical areas of the brain for emotive and verbal functioning.

For boys, there is a higher dedicated area used for special-mechanical functioning for abstract thinking and physical-special functions. But girls have twice the brain space as boys for verbal-emotive functioning. The special-mechanical functioning makes boys want to move objects through space, such as balls and model aeroplanes, or just move their arms and legs. With less serotonin and oxytocin, boys have less desire for bonding, are more impulsive and are less likely to want an empathetic chat with a fellow pupil.

The male brain is more structured and compartmentalised, thus more likely to concentrate on one thing at a time with a lesser ability than girls to multi-task and change from one class subject to another easily. With 15 per cent less blood flow than females, the male brain reduces speed every now and again in a sort of rest state. Thus, with exercise before class, boy’s neurophysiological state is enlivened and more able to learn. The differences, of course, between male and female brains are too numerous to mention in detail here.

With some 90 per cent of children with learning difficulties being boys, there is a particular need to teach these children as boys instead of homogenous individuals in order to improve their learning ability. Giving these boys extra sensory integration therapy can make an incredible improvement as well.

To help boys and girls achieve their best at school there needs to be an appreciation of the difference in the learning styles of boys and girls. The task for teachers, and parents, is to better understand the gendered brain. To this end, there is a need for special gender-awareness training for teachers as part of their initial training or as in-service training. The knowledge is already available and schools across the world are now providing such training. With severe problems with boys' schooling in the UAE, there appears to be an urgent need to introduce special programmes to help boys progress in this country as well.

Dr Christopher Reynolds is managing director of the UAE-based British Institute for Learning Development

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Education: No relief in sight

[ PTMagazin , Donnerstag 13. Mai 201]

Von: Ullrich Rothe

Mittelständische Unternehmer been complaining for years that more and more applicants for a training course are not adequately qualified. Education politicians speak of clever girls and silly boys. The gender policy initiative MANNdat sounds the alarm.

( MANNdat / eigBer.) - All objective studies by independent experts show significant gender differences, mainly to the detriment of boys. The Education Action Council devoted its annual 2009 report specifically notes this issue and that disparities are created to the detriment of boys.

The Education Report 2008 concludes that there are new problems in boys and the risk is for boys and young men increases to fail in the education system. The Berlin Institute for Population and Development called a "crisis in education of the young men."

boys make about 60% of the special schools. They have significantly higher school dropout rates and significantly lower graduation rates. The percentage of male students in secondary schools fell from 56% in 1970 to 43% in 2006. The education report from the city of Freiburg is even talk of just only 40% percentage of male pupils of general secondary education.

Fatales signal

The National Youth Advisory Board in September 2009 an official statement "Smart girls - stupid boy? published against reducing the current gender discourse "on the results of experts who concur that ascertaining numerical problem of education and employment situation of boys.

The National Youth Advisory Board has a major impact on education and youth policy, as it advises the relevant ministries. The opinion of the National Youth Advisory Board is therefore a very important statement of educational and youth policy in Germany. They are thus a trend of education and youth policy at the federal level in the next few years if not decades, again.

by the Federal Youth Board wrote the opinion, however, no objective assessment of different approaches to promote boys. It is rather a subjective one-sided defense of socialization theory and critical approaches to masculinity dar.

The dramatic results achieved by independent bodies for the education of boys to be qualified. Need-oriented and motivational approaches to promote boys remain completely ignored.

double standard in the role Image talk

Now that the action on the boy apparently promote is, is often in the discussion summarily blamed the boy himself and made the statement in the room, boys were too little to open new role models. This is extremely cynical and twisted realities.

because it was the politicians, the boys from the start of the largest gender-specific educational project ever, which also wants to expand the range of occupations and therefore the roles of gender-atypical occupations, specifically and deliberately excluded - the Future.

There are indeed society and politics, to the amenities of archaic men role models - for example, male labor force service military and social - not want to miss. limited

Thus, today's state-subsidized "Boys" R. id out to educate boys to a critical, negative attitude to their masculinity and to make cleaning and ironing in courses to be efficient house men. This is despite all the independent school performance studies show that boys primarily educational support need.

This type of "Boys" is not a real boy promotion, but an ideologically-profeminist inspired re-education of boys, the typical boy behavior generally as deficient and schedule promotes a boy derogatory society.

No problem with forced

services to help boys to greater autonomy in the household, as this will not matter. However, boys sell exactly the activities as "cool" future prospects, which are inversely as evidence of discrimination against women is highly questionable. This reduced role

Image talk will also be identified by the boys but there should drop its archaic role models, where they learn from these role models advantages. Thus, for example, boys are rather than focusing on well-paid and respected professions, instead opting for poorly paid and poorly regarded professions.

The areas, however, in which boys suffer because of archaic role models drawbacks remain, in the role Image talk a taboo subject. For example, the followers of role theory is no problem with the one-sided men forced service culture (male conscription and civilian men) have.

taboo topics

also by the European Court of Human Rights repeatedly criticized and challenged the discriminatory fathers custody and legal system in Germany is in the role Image talk as a taboo topic as the issue of violence against boys and men. It just would be to strengthen the role of father an area with an honest role model you would have to be a major concern.

And even though two thirds of boys and men are victims of violence, male victims of violence are excluded from the gender-sensitive approach violence victims. They are not perceived as victims, but only seen as a failure of masculinity. That too will the role model you change anything.

made to losers

Furthermore, there is currently a lack of country-specific subject teachers. Moreover, by 2013 an additional 40 000 teachers are needed. While especially in technical occupational areas girls are recruited for these professions, there remains a similar initiative to care for these boys targeted occupations.
Even taking place in the Boys-Days to hide these professional areas frequently.

On the homepage of the new department of 'equal opportunities policy for men and boys "of the Federal Ministry for Women with stand from 10.04.2010 to boys only for care professionals and service workers to be won, but not for educational or teaching professions.

This clearly shows that it is not the role model talk about a real emancipation of boys, but they are only losers components of different roles to be imposed.

socialization theory as the only valid paradigm

are still the scientific evidence, for example, puts out the theory of evolution and development of modern psychology and brain research, showing that gender-typical behaviors and interests are not only instilled. Instead, still applies in the politically supported youth work socialization theory discussion as the only decent explanation.

The socialization theory is an important social scientific theory, which is connected to the target, the "process of formation and development of personality in mutual dependence on the society socially and rem material environment mediated the one hand and the biophysical structure of the organism on the other" to describe and to explain.

Ideologically exploited

This theory, however, some biases and simplifications are based there, where it is used with the aim of the determining factors for the development of the personality of the Man and his actions are limited to society and culture, which not to biological factors (major) importance and can get the different psychology of both sexes into account.

is particularly fatal to when the socialization theory is being exploited to justify a preconceived ideological pigeonholing with gender stereotypes of female victims of sex and male sex offenders and the other to peddle. considered

Instead of socialization theory as an explanation of many, she won in the educational and social science Discussion, but also in science education a kind of monopoly.

Poor base

Over the past decades has established a working boy who peddled mainly negative, loss-boy image. Such a negative image is of course a boy very poor basis for a boy's development. How contradictory is a non-identity-work with boys, you can see from the following:

Despite the claim that "sex" would be designed in and not dependent on the biology, have those who claim this, no problem , children divide and young people in funding projects like the Future or the STEM support to biological gender, who can participate and who is not.

Who wants to test this, may have to apply his son once a placement for girls on the Future with the statement that you should not let the penis irritated that the child had been brought up to the girl.

Different development clearly demonstrates

claims The National Youth Advisory Board, there was not enough evidence for a different development of girls and boys in preschool.

As the Federal Youth Board reached this conclusion, is puzzling. The evaluation of the medical school entrance examinations, for example in Baden-Württemberg or in Brandenburg, clearly show that boys develop motor skills and language ability in the area tend to be slower than girls.

Investigations in Baden-Wuerttemberg, have shown that almost 60% of the boys having the time of enrollment substantial deficits in at least one major school of literacy. Almost twice as many boys as girls go on the special schools.

This also shows the significant gender differences in levels of development and the educational disadvantage of boys and girls at the time of enrollment and participation in education.
It is surprising that these findings the experts at the National Youth Advisory Board have been left hidden.


These developmental differences are just not instilled, but biologically given. Here, a targeted promotion of young boys to use as early as preschool, if you wanted to give boys equal opportunities in starting school. Instead, the equal opportunities policy and ends exactly at the point and starting point for the drawbacks and disadvantages of boys and men.

The testimony of former Federal Youth Minister Ursula von der Leyen from The Berliner Zeitung from 29.09.2006 is explicit in this respect. "I do not find it bad that girls go by in terms of education to the boys'

failures of the boys are politically desirable

no surprise there, that the Federal Youth Board In its opinion on page 27 in the bottom of the same opinion come as the Minister, who has this opinion been ordered: "The success of the students in the education system in recent decades are to be regarded as encouragement to overcome gender inequalities."

Here is again clear that the criticism by the Federal Youth Board shortening the boy situation not only does not exist, but is the real education and youth policy even in the other direction, that is only in the direction of the girls situation. The increasing education failures of boys and the growing unemployment of male adolescents and young men are not seen as a problem but as a positive feedback of a gender policy is understood that even today still limited only to the "woman question."

All MANNdat analysis to the opinion of the National Youth Advisory Board is available at