Supplement ... Images of the parades in Limon ... Caribbean flair!
The port of Limon with Gerardo, a Tico friend.
You increase the size ... "La Negra" ... "Black" ...
The English test was great. I had a big bag of to get chocolate bars, and the motivation was great. 100 points could reach it, 10 points each a chocolate bar. Anthony has performed best, which did not surprise me. The learning effect occurred in all students because, as I had hoped and even expected in some way. New learning method for me discovered!
The fact that I've brought chocolate, has ensured proper attention. Everyone wanted to of course, chocolate. Very educational correctly I've always said that the chocolate is for my students. With the things you bring, and the deal must be careful there really. If you would share everything, they would you immediately from the hand break, only figuratively, of course. True to its motto, it extends an inch, they tear the whole hand off. Of course, everyone wants abhaben something and it can quickly spiral out of control, I initially felt obliged to have to share everything with everyone. This then goes into the money, however, and ultimately no one can expect from me, my duty is, after another. Therefore, I am very careful. If I have something to share, I make sure that I share it with those who know to appreciate it. Many do not know this fact, and generally have the setting "Europeans - has money - can get me anything" ... maybe it's just the fact that the majority of internal rather "ghetto", and has a different idea of many things. This may be due to drug use, but can also be based on cultural differences. That's right, I'm behind have not improved since. Maybe a mix. This attitude, which emit some to me sometimes feel I now and then, with me it is then often disrespectful. That may be me as a German, or it may be my fault as Benita Rose. Ultimately, I can only speak from my subjective opinion. If I have such a feeling of disrespect, I do, of course tight and will sometimes even more direct in expression. Otherwise one would really be utilized to line and thread, by the dogs! Other way to describe it is not easy.
any event, the students were endstolz that the chocolate was only for them, and it was from them too seriously. Yeison, one of my students was a little disappointed with his 77 points and puts me again and again to his heart that he knows he needs to learn more, but the debate is that so hard for him. I do it courage, I finally had to go through the whole learning through sometimes. Fortunately, for now I "have behind me. At that time I was eagerly looking forward to retirement. Anthony told me personally again, that it pleased him so that he has reached so many points that he and the 9 Chocolates has eaten within an hour. Among them was a whole table Milka.
the demand for chocolate has really annoyed me after a few days. It then has also served at some point. It arrived as if everyone has expected to dust off what may, or was I again tried to stop feeling guilty that I did not have something for everyone. Just as it was formulated in any event, it was like that. Learning method, not more!
David was very sad that he did not get any chocolate. I have made clear to him then that I started with him to learn German, but he has deferred the learning and then every time I offered him to teach him, He was tired from work, or he thought of something else. Very tolerant, I told him if he wants to learn anything, that's perfectly fine, but then there is no reward. So it goes in life, nothing comes from nothing. This pleased Wilberth, who had noticed that. David promptly asked me yesterday then if I could repeat it again with him as alphabet and numbers. Sure, we have made, he would then practice alone. because chocolate would give Obs. I told him then, clearly, once we have enough stuff that I can do with it a test. Let's see what happens.
After a few days back in rehab I then told Juan about a dream he had. I have to Carlitos, I had back then times taken on the road beaten and got. I had scratches on his face and I have cut out the bit Carlitos. Haha. In any case it was the dream has so frightened that it points the day before lunch time would hold a speech. All he talks about the dream and again made clear above all that I want to please respect and that no one comes to bad ideas and is doing something to me. Was quite sweet, but somehow you're the princess, or rather the queen. Who shall also be otherwise.
Today Anthony then told me about a dream in which I seemed to also. He told me that his dream seemed in a 5-story loft bed. He was sleep all the way up to the sent. On his way up he hit me then in the 3rd floor. And so on ... containing a dream. "It was just weird, the dream," he said. I told him that I think that says something every dream. As a reflection of his thoughts. Perhaps we fear something that can appear in a dream. Has also happened to me. I told him about the book to my mother, with whom one can interpret dreams. Prompt me was the thought of a day many years ago, in the dream my friend Vera by a snake and a black hole, has a book and testified that she would get well soon their days. I had to smile. No Vera, I will not censor you 're old enough to stand it! Theories I have put up what Anthony could say it's a dream. Low Budget of far-fetched, I speculated that he may feel treated unfairly, because in the fifth Stock had to sleep, and that he has found me on his way to show, then maybe that I can help a bit in the center deal. When I told this, he came and hugged me and thanked me. What I do not know, but it came from the heart that has felt it. The interpretation might be true really, I had in the last days many conversations with Anthony. His best friend there, Cali, has left the project two weeks ago, he has trusted him as the only one. He had then a few days ago with stress Wilberth. Anthony has many problems in San Jose. Like many in the center. If one particular business operates and runs with specific people and this also drives not quite so legal things, you get just problems. In detail, I can say about Anthony's problems, nothing, probably there are one or the other, which would kill him evenuell when he meets him. As Anthony should get a few days at least before the rice for food, he has resisted because he was not so much want to travel in San Jose in order to not cross paths. Communication between Wilberth, Anthony and Juan has not just voted. Anthony has not so much of yourself from, why he is not the rice wants to get, so it came to confrontation, Wilberth him said there is work to do, the each. The rice is for all to eat, you can not just say "I do not do that." Otherwise no one would work yes. Anthony has just called no plausible reason. Wilberth then told him "If you do not want to work, it is better if you go .." The Anthony then has understood that he was kicked out. But that was not thrown out, but only a measure of education Wilberth responsible for the functioning of the whole center was not aware of him there. After Anthony then packed with things stood at the gate and eventually the pastor asked new items and left, and Anthony was thus again was an Intern, I had a long conversation with him. It sounds like it, as he would soon want to leave the center, it has lacked clear view of the whole, has sought to blame in others and has become less focused on his future, than on his current wishes and thoughts. Long talk, towards the end I asked him to go to Wilberth and talk to him. I told Anthony that he should go with no expectations in his office, I just wanted Wilberth Anthony says how he feels and just why he so feels. Nothing more. That can help sometimes simple. With Wilberth course I also talked and knew, therefore, that Anthony has much misunderstood. I Wilberth also told of the misunderstanding. The next day I went into Canaan, Anthony grinned at me and then told me that Wilberth had approached him, both of them made their intentions once told each other and shaken hands. Wilberth had told me that he likes Anthony. I also told Anthony to his defensiveness Wilberth weakens against something. Ultimately, so everything has gone well. Anthony then said to me today that he did not want to leave the center. Not right now. You never know, I've learned mitlerweile. Teaching English today, I've Anthony then added to translate English sentences. I of course as far as I could of been known substance incorporated, so he just had to combine everything. To my pride, he could translate it really! Several times he asked for new records, but I think ultimately I was more proud than he, that I once again someone who spoke no English, made to translate whole sentences.
talked After dinner today and then Yeison Anthony fact that Yeison will leave the center. Later in a conversation with 2-Yeison I was told that he with any illegal car to the border with Panama (Yeison lives there!) Will go to sell it there. Neat coal, "mucha plata," he promised. We talked about his past entertained. So far, I knew not much of it was relatively innocent in front of me with his 22 years, but it is probably not so much. As he imagines his future, I asked. He did not know he was funny. Then came but then, what he presents in this way. Had probably never thought about it. He should not lose his goals out of sight, I told him. He clearly does not want to be in the center, no one wants that, but sometimes you just do things for a certain time to achieve its long-term goals. I told him about me. Somehow I had to illustrate it, yes. Just tell him where he has such problems in learning, I then told by my school. Eternally long time ago. Of course I was this about biology or maths material not interested. Although I'm told then that I will continue to help the knowledge certainly times, but in hindsight I have to say that the bean has me interested and I now the stupid math drawings were done it any more anyway. Comes but not as my message was that I had learned in order to be ultimately a good grade in my graduation have. Because I knew I would regret it all my life if I keep doors closed because of grades. Then when I got the chance to get an education that makes me happy, I will not stand in your way. The only reason I've learned, and not because I felt like it. Would also beautiful! He should see his stay in the center as an opportunity for his future. Just because he now hoped the big money, throw 2 months he spent there, the pile? Would be as if I had stopped after the 11 school, ha! He can still make money, but when he messed up a chance there, he will feel bad afterwards.
He thought again about it. Let's see how long he stays. to come
order ultimately to the title of today's blog entry, the low phase. This morning I had the first time of my stay the thought, "Today I will not. I will go to Canaan, but only as a teacher and as otherwise.. "This thought I was not even in the 5 months I've been here. And I will explain how it came about.
that drug addicts are liars, I was outside my residence already at least my mother and my friend Franca your heart out. How much it is true, however, I have not anticipated at that time. Sure, lie lie, everyone does! And who says he never lies, the lies. We all know that. But it is a difference between lies and lies, one should also know. to philosophize I need now is not so. The drug addicts I've met so far, it will be so maybe the 70 to also do not exaggerate lied to 90 percent often. Sure, when it comes to protecting yourself, you lie before. Since they are lying too. We are already at first base. Or to make something less complicated. Other reasons why this can not lie normal thinking, because they are ideas of their own person or another person into his head, as they are supposed to be or do, and that idea is maintained on the basis of lies. Sometimes they simply desire attention, or they want something they can not get it, so they lie. Sometimes it is also simply a lie, without really obvious reason, these are probably complicated processes that occur there in the mind. Often believe they even themselves, what they were lied straight before him. I realized then that it the "ghetto boys", the "chusma" of society, nothing can really believe. Is one thing, if one knows its own. Every now and then are internal of my confidence came to me and with me personally to the ultimate truth about things I supposedly said or did, inquired. They knew that the most one can believe anything. Since I've been wondering on what things you can get for everything. In the last few weeks but I often come to my attention that things are said about me, and not seldom that either lied or twisted or from the desires that you may have, arise. Because I just do not have internally, but work there and yes, indeed friend or acquaintance for all, but still not equal when it comes to the position, I thought to myself "I work here, go when I want, I can go, I do not want drama, so I am working not at first so, who and why If they did talk. speak to her, whom I can finally give a little faith, my knowledge of human nature says ."... But it's not quite that simple, because at some point is also his personal respect limit attacked. I now understand why Wilberth always very careful with everything and giving me that sometimes puts his heart. About other a volunteer from last year will go soon (from internal, they do not even know) that had allegedly smoked marijuana in the project. Clearly this is a lie. It is sometimes claimed by someone that he was really fat go away with her, together and stuff. Ultimately, I learn from her that other than card games at the table in the center never was done. Such little things.
Small examples of me. In the church I should have cried. Once during the English classes I've declared myself a student of something and this is supported on the table. Promt told another student that I had in English class on purpose - from which Intention whatsoever - stretched out in front of all my butt. The twist on the topic. And so on ....
We have a new Intern (ok, there are many, and go a lot. At the beginning of my reports I wrote about everyone mitlerweile I lose track, and you would then lose even more on top. Sometimes is not the residence time worth talking about or I just know nothing of note from the Intern. So only the most interesting stories ..).. ok, the new Intern, so he is Yeison (yeah, I know the whole Johnny's, Carlos', and now even Yeison ...) and comes from Puerto Viejo. Time on the card look next door, the Caribbean coast, Touri place of high 3. He is, in comparison to most other, less ghetto. Speaks English, has long been cooking, now works as a waiter in a restaurant because he earns more there. "Why German never give a tip, Benita?" He asked. I told him because the guidebook is that the tip in Costa Rica in the service charge is included. Therefore likely. Maybe throw but simply the Americans with their dollar bills around, so it makes the impression that we would give Germans a tip. Well, he thinks something completely normal and he has a lot to do with tourism, he understands my life, perhaps even better. He seems relatively normal, "I need a break. I have too much Smoked crack and I want them gone ... I have my life, it will only return to normal "... Anyway, he is learning from me German. Before we started with the basic knowledge, he wanted to first all the possible sentences that he could somehow help in the restaurant business to know. If I imagine that it in a few months back serves German tourists and they throw it be to me perfectly inflicted German around the ears, it makes me still proud that I was the one who taught him that. He is 30, in 20 years he will probably remember hopefully the fact that I was the one who taught him German, which makes me really proud!
ANY EVENT, I talked to him on the subject lies, etc., etc. .. He told me then that is quite often talked about me. Probably noticed, is perhaps Yeison there for a week. He wanted to tell me who it is, but I did not hear it. I really do not feel like any drama, plus I'm not there. The drama can start them with each other, but with me because they have bad cards. Anyway, I said Yeison that I really matter what is said, as long as it is not disrespectful, then the fun will really namely. His comment "I do not know what they have with you ... it seems that everyone would want to sleep with you ..."... How sweet! That the most part, unfortunately really that is was aware since my first day there. If just men, also Latino. But that once again stupid reasons - such as that I am not interested in someone - is a reason for them to invent something. Pride may have been violated, you feel rejected ... WHATEVER.
Long story short, what hurt me was the fact that I'm all at incredibly social, open and friendly and respect me. I have NEVER lost a bad word about anybody, that as a "Backstabbing" as it brings the English language so beautifully to the point described, it could. I have squealed at all. If I Wilberth something personal Internally, a tell, it's just because I want to have his advice and ultimately the best for the person wants. Really socially just. Of course, all are very nice to me, but then behind your back but different. Of course there are probably not all and not always. Maybe I imagine it is too big deal, I'm not here, how, to what extent, etc. finally spoken. To come to the conclusion: It came to my mind today that I can call in these 5 months, but the low point in my work at the Rehab.
It's called learning and well Reifeprozes see
The fact that I've brought chocolate, has ensured proper attention. Everyone wanted to of course, chocolate. Very educational correctly I've always said that the chocolate is for my students. With the things you bring, and the deal must be careful there really. If you would share everything, they would you immediately from the hand break, only figuratively, of course. True to its motto, it extends an inch, they tear the whole hand off. Of course, everyone wants abhaben something and it can quickly spiral out of control, I initially felt obliged to have to share everything with everyone. This then goes into the money, however, and ultimately no one can expect from me, my duty is, after another. Therefore, I am very careful. If I have something to share, I make sure that I share it with those who know to appreciate it. Many do not know this fact, and generally have the setting "Europeans - has money - can get me anything" ... maybe it's just the fact that the majority of internal rather "ghetto", and has a different idea of many things. This may be due to drug use, but can also be based on cultural differences. That's right, I'm behind have not improved since. Maybe a mix. This attitude, which emit some to me sometimes feel I now and then, with me it is then often disrespectful. That may be me as a German, or it may be my fault as Benita Rose. Ultimately, I can only speak from my subjective opinion. If I have such a feeling of disrespect, I do, of course tight and will sometimes even more direct in expression. Otherwise one would really be utilized to line and thread, by the dogs! Other way to describe it is not easy.
any event, the students were endstolz that the chocolate was only for them, and it was from them too seriously. Yeison, one of my students was a little disappointed with his 77 points and puts me again and again to his heart that he knows he needs to learn more, but the debate is that so hard for him. I do it courage, I finally had to go through the whole learning through sometimes. Fortunately, for now I "have behind me. At that time I was eagerly looking forward to retirement. Anthony told me personally again, that it pleased him so that he has reached so many points that he and the 9 Chocolates has eaten within an hour. Among them was a whole table Milka.
the demand for chocolate has really annoyed me after a few days. It then has also served at some point. It arrived as if everyone has expected to dust off what may, or was I again tried to stop feeling guilty that I did not have something for everyone. Just as it was formulated in any event, it was like that. Learning method, not more!
David was very sad that he did not get any chocolate. I have made clear to him then that I started with him to learn German, but he has deferred the learning and then every time I offered him to teach him, He was tired from work, or he thought of something else. Very tolerant, I told him if he wants to learn anything, that's perfectly fine, but then there is no reward. So it goes in life, nothing comes from nothing. This pleased Wilberth, who had noticed that. David promptly asked me yesterday then if I could repeat it again with him as alphabet and numbers. Sure, we have made, he would then practice alone. because chocolate would give Obs. I told him then, clearly, once we have enough stuff that I can do with it a test. Let's see what happens.
After a few days back in rehab I then told Juan about a dream he had. I have to Carlitos, I had back then times taken on the road beaten and got. I had scratches on his face and I have cut out the bit Carlitos. Haha. In any case it was the dream has so frightened that it points the day before lunch time would hold a speech. All he talks about the dream and again made clear above all that I want to please respect and that no one comes to bad ideas and is doing something to me. Was quite sweet, but somehow you're the princess, or rather the queen. Who shall also be otherwise.
Today Anthony then told me about a dream in which I seemed to also. He told me that his dream seemed in a 5-story loft bed. He was sleep all the way up to the sent. On his way up he hit me then in the 3rd floor. And so on ... containing a dream. "It was just weird, the dream," he said. I told him that I think that says something every dream. As a reflection of his thoughts. Perhaps we fear something that can appear in a dream. Has also happened to me. I told him about the book to my mother, with whom one can interpret dreams. Prompt me was the thought of a day many years ago, in the dream my friend Vera by a snake and a black hole, has a book and testified that she would get well soon their days. I had to smile. No Vera, I will not censor you 're old enough to stand it! Theories I have put up what Anthony could say it's a dream. Low Budget of far-fetched, I speculated that he may feel treated unfairly, because in the fifth Stock had to sleep, and that he has found me on his way to show, then maybe that I can help a bit in the center deal. When I told this, he came and hugged me and thanked me. What I do not know, but it came from the heart that has felt it. The interpretation might be true really, I had in the last days many conversations with Anthony. His best friend there, Cali, has left the project two weeks ago, he has trusted him as the only one. He had then a few days ago with stress Wilberth. Anthony has many problems in San Jose. Like many in the center. If one particular business operates and runs with specific people and this also drives not quite so legal things, you get just problems. In detail, I can say about Anthony's problems, nothing, probably there are one or the other, which would kill him evenuell when he meets him. As Anthony should get a few days at least before the rice for food, he has resisted because he was not so much want to travel in San Jose in order to not cross paths. Communication between Wilberth, Anthony and Juan has not just voted. Anthony has not so much of yourself from, why he is not the rice wants to get, so it came to confrontation, Wilberth him said there is work to do, the each. The rice is for all to eat, you can not just say "I do not do that." Otherwise no one would work yes. Anthony has just called no plausible reason. Wilberth then told him "If you do not want to work, it is better if you go .." The Anthony then has understood that he was kicked out. But that was not thrown out, but only a measure of education Wilberth responsible for the functioning of the whole center was not aware of him there. After Anthony then packed with things stood at the gate and eventually the pastor asked new items and left, and Anthony was thus again was an Intern, I had a long conversation with him. It sounds like it, as he would soon want to leave the center, it has lacked clear view of the whole, has sought to blame in others and has become less focused on his future, than on his current wishes and thoughts. Long talk, towards the end I asked him to go to Wilberth and talk to him. I told Anthony that he should go with no expectations in his office, I just wanted Wilberth Anthony says how he feels and just why he so feels. Nothing more. That can help sometimes simple. With Wilberth course I also talked and knew, therefore, that Anthony has much misunderstood. I Wilberth also told of the misunderstanding. The next day I went into Canaan, Anthony grinned at me and then told me that Wilberth had approached him, both of them made their intentions once told each other and shaken hands. Wilberth had told me that he likes Anthony. I also told Anthony to his defensiveness Wilberth weakens against something. Ultimately, so everything has gone well. Anthony then said to me today that he did not want to leave the center. Not right now. You never know, I've learned mitlerweile. Teaching English today, I've Anthony then added to translate English sentences. I of course as far as I could of been known substance incorporated, so he just had to combine everything. To my pride, he could translate it really! Several times he asked for new records, but I think ultimately I was more proud than he, that I once again someone who spoke no English, made to translate whole sentences.
talked After dinner today and then Yeison Anthony fact that Yeison will leave the center. Later in a conversation with 2-Yeison I was told that he with any illegal car to the border with Panama (Yeison lives there!) Will go to sell it there. Neat coal, "mucha plata," he promised. We talked about his past entertained. So far, I knew not much of it was relatively innocent in front of me with his 22 years, but it is probably not so much. As he imagines his future, I asked. He did not know he was funny. Then came but then, what he presents in this way. Had probably never thought about it. He should not lose his goals out of sight, I told him. He clearly does not want to be in the center, no one wants that, but sometimes you just do things for a certain time to achieve its long-term goals. I told him about me. Somehow I had to illustrate it, yes. Just tell him where he has such problems in learning, I then told by my school. Eternally long time ago. Of course I was this about biology or maths material not interested. Although I'm told then that I will continue to help the knowledge certainly times, but in hindsight I have to say that the bean has me interested and I now the stupid math drawings were done it any more anyway. Comes but not as my message was that I had learned in order to be ultimately a good grade in my graduation have. Because I knew I would regret it all my life if I keep doors closed because of grades. Then when I got the chance to get an education that makes me happy, I will not stand in your way. The only reason I've learned, and not because I felt like it. Would also beautiful! He should see his stay in the center as an opportunity for his future. Just because he now hoped the big money, throw 2 months he spent there, the pile? Would be as if I had stopped after the 11 school, ha! He can still make money, but when he messed up a chance there, he will feel bad afterwards.
He thought again about it. Let's see how long he stays. to come
order ultimately to the title of today's blog entry, the low phase. This morning I had the first time of my stay the thought, "Today I will not. I will go to Canaan, but only as a teacher and as otherwise.. "This thought I was not even in the 5 months I've been here. And I will explain how it came about.
that drug addicts are liars, I was outside my residence already at least my mother and my friend Franca your heart out. How much it is true, however, I have not anticipated at that time. Sure, lie lie, everyone does! And who says he never lies, the lies. We all know that. But it is a difference between lies and lies, one should also know. to philosophize I need now is not so. The drug addicts I've met so far, it will be so maybe the 70 to also do not exaggerate lied to 90 percent often. Sure, when it comes to protecting yourself, you lie before. Since they are lying too. We are already at first base. Or to make something less complicated. Other reasons why this can not lie normal thinking, because they are ideas of their own person or another person into his head, as they are supposed to be or do, and that idea is maintained on the basis of lies. Sometimes they simply desire attention, or they want something they can not get it, so they lie. Sometimes it is also simply a lie, without really obvious reason, these are probably complicated processes that occur there in the mind. Often believe they even themselves, what they were lied straight before him. I realized then that it the "ghetto boys", the "chusma" of society, nothing can really believe. Is one thing, if one knows its own. Every now and then are internal of my confidence came to me and with me personally to the ultimate truth about things I supposedly said or did, inquired. They knew that the most one can believe anything. Since I've been wondering on what things you can get for everything. In the last few weeks but I often come to my attention that things are said about me, and not seldom that either lied or twisted or from the desires that you may have, arise. Because I just do not have internally, but work there and yes, indeed friend or acquaintance for all, but still not equal when it comes to the position, I thought to myself "I work here, go when I want, I can go, I do not want drama, so I am working not at first so, who and why If they did talk. speak to her, whom I can finally give a little faith, my knowledge of human nature says ."... But it's not quite that simple, because at some point is also his personal respect limit attacked. I now understand why Wilberth always very careful with everything and giving me that sometimes puts his heart. About other a volunteer from last year will go soon (from internal, they do not even know) that had allegedly smoked marijuana in the project. Clearly this is a lie. It is sometimes claimed by someone that he was really fat go away with her, together and stuff. Ultimately, I learn from her that other than card games at the table in the center never was done. Such little things.
Small examples of me. In the church I should have cried. Once during the English classes I've declared myself a student of something and this is supported on the table. Promt told another student that I had in English class on purpose - from which Intention whatsoever - stretched out in front of all my butt. The twist on the topic. And so on ....
We have a new Intern (ok, there are many, and go a lot. At the beginning of my reports I wrote about everyone mitlerweile I lose track, and you would then lose even more on top. Sometimes is not the residence time worth talking about or I just know nothing of note from the Intern. So only the most interesting stories ..).. ok, the new Intern, so he is Yeison (yeah, I know the whole Johnny's, Carlos', and now even Yeison ...) and comes from Puerto Viejo. Time on the card look next door, the Caribbean coast, Touri place of high 3. He is, in comparison to most other, less ghetto. Speaks English, has long been cooking, now works as a waiter in a restaurant because he earns more there. "Why German never give a tip, Benita?" He asked. I told him because the guidebook is that the tip in Costa Rica in the service charge is included. Therefore likely. Maybe throw but simply the Americans with their dollar bills around, so it makes the impression that we would give Germans a tip. Well, he thinks something completely normal and he has a lot to do with tourism, he understands my life, perhaps even better. He seems relatively normal, "I need a break. I have too much Smoked crack and I want them gone ... I have my life, it will only return to normal "... Anyway, he is learning from me German. Before we started with the basic knowledge, he wanted to first all the possible sentences that he could somehow help in the restaurant business to know. If I imagine that it in a few months back serves German tourists and they throw it be to me perfectly inflicted German around the ears, it makes me still proud that I was the one who taught him that. He is 30, in 20 years he will probably remember hopefully the fact that I was the one who taught him German, which makes me really proud!
ANY EVENT, I talked to him on the subject lies, etc., etc. .. He told me then that is quite often talked about me. Probably noticed, is perhaps Yeison there for a week. He wanted to tell me who it is, but I did not hear it. I really do not feel like any drama, plus I'm not there. The drama can start them with each other, but with me because they have bad cards. Anyway, I said Yeison that I really matter what is said, as long as it is not disrespectful, then the fun will really namely. His comment "I do not know what they have with you ... it seems that everyone would want to sleep with you ..."... How sweet! That the most part, unfortunately really that is was aware since my first day there. If just men, also Latino. But that once again stupid reasons - such as that I am not interested in someone - is a reason for them to invent something. Pride may have been violated, you feel rejected ... WHATEVER.
Long story short, what hurt me was the fact that I'm all at incredibly social, open and friendly and respect me. I have NEVER lost a bad word about anybody, that as a "Backstabbing" as it brings the English language so beautifully to the point described, it could. I have squealed at all. If I Wilberth something personal Internally, a tell, it's just because I want to have his advice and ultimately the best for the person wants. Really socially just. Of course, all are very nice to me, but then behind your back but different. Of course there are probably not all and not always. Maybe I imagine it is too big deal, I'm not here, how, to what extent, etc. finally spoken. To come to the conclusion: It came to my mind today that I can call in these 5 months, but the low point in my work at the Rehab.
It's called learning and well Reifeprozes see
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