There is much to tell.
The week before Christmas Wilberth told me then that no one working there over Christmas and therefore I also have two weeks free. Micah and I are determined to short before Christmas, then drove to Playa Samara in Guanacaste. The beach was super nice and the village is very quiet. We had a hostel right on the beach, have sliced pineapple for breakfast and ne in the evening went to one of the three beach bars. Super feeling! There were hardly any people there. On the first day the weather was shit. Micah and I are in the rain then went jogging on the beach and have explored the village, what else makes a day after our arrival Basti then complied. In the evening we rented surfboards and surfed for an hour. Was heavenly beautiful, so start at sunset surf his attempts. A day later, Hannah is with her friend, who was visiting from Germany, arrived. So we then have enjoyed the few days.
On 23 Are we then come back. Michael had to buy, gifts, therefore had to it may be that day (haha). I told him I'll buy him presents when he briefly comes to Alajuelita. I wanted to do it all again just before Christmas a Merry Christmas and see how it looks in the center. No sooner said than done. All are so excited and have loved Michael being received. He was very touched by all, and would like to come again. His plan is once a month.
On 24 I was the day on the road in San Jose. How do you know that the city was crowded with people and was the police presence is greater than ever. I should be at 19.30 clock at home, then we would go around to the house of my host uncle to dinner and eating at all the Night out. To 5:30 I got a call from the beloved host sister that I should come so fast it home if I knew that we go to Mauricio's house. Sure, I'm already on the road. Earlier than expected and surprised how many people are there at a time and date were still in the buses and the city, so I came at home. Finally, we set off at 22.00 clock! No comment.
gifts were all wrapped up in the last second and the grandmother was preparing in full swing right at the food. Overall, it seemed like a party preparing, less festive as it used to. It should also be enough alcohol on site, even whiskey, told me Jessie.
The wonderful Snow. The TV was nachplatziert.
Mauricio's house.
Gastopi guest and friend of the uncle with baby clothes for the unborn.
Jessie with Paris Hilton Chihuaha the host uncle in Santa Claus costume. The outfit has to be right.
we When, therefore, arrived and I have admired once the giant house and numerous cars were first gathered all and have for Christmas music, the younger ones played Playstation, the elderly have prepared the food and the Gastopa has enjoyed the whiskey. Shortly before 24 Clock then we gathered at the manger and gifts, heard a Merry Christmas song and prayer, or remembers us, or something like that, until the new year I wanted to say, until the 25th! The Beschehrung was almost a mess, everyone gave everyone their gifts and all were pleased. Then there was finally the food. There was a huge roast, salad, refried beans and rice, so very strange, sometimes rice, but delicious. The pregnant girlfriend of my uncle's other guest, I am then 1:30 to cut back home, the rest of the family spent the night at the inn uncle at home. I had promised my aunt another guest to stop by briefly. That's why I made earlier from the dust. Also, I was on 25 at the BBQ in Micah invited, and knew that I in the continuous Tico Time can not rely on time the next day to be at home, rather than arrive in Micah. Were all in order. Back at home, then the whole rest of the family in the house of my uncle Elias another guest at the end of the road was assembled. They were all very pleased to see me. Together, we have sat together a short time, then we went off to the house of the host cousins. There we have four, the 2 guest Cousins Gabo, and friend Steven Hassan still to 5 clock perched together and talk about God and the world. Everywhere, the party I noticed after disco I did not, however, felt that it was too strange. When I
25 came home at night, Gastopa was the very end in bed, he had a hangover, throwing up, he probably already has. Since I had to smile. Unfortunately, I had no miracles suppositories with expiration date in 2005 while that I had given my mother long ago and, in due time, namely, who have had worked!
round a nice Christmas.
I would like to thank those who have thought of your home to me. I am happy again, sometimes mitzubekommen again, as it looks at home and remember that it is not forgotten, although one is in the distance! Thanks very dear to my parents, my Grandma Chris, my Aunt Silke, my Aunt Silvia, Gerdi & Wilberth, my Blog diligent reader Vera, my dear Kevin, Sabri, and of course (gb) Franca!
On 26 So then began my trip to Nicaragua. Basti and I should be, in the short term has still connected to Katrina, had planned at the same time to go to Nicaragua. In Granada, we wanted to meet. Basti and I sat in the taxi to the bus station in Coca Cola. As we are almost there, I found myself next to a group of homeless people sitting on the street and eat. I glanced at the crowd and saw a familiar face - Esteban. He had about 2 weeks before leaving the project. He was kicked out because he probably something for too much of the fish lunch had eaten, who was there for everyone. Sun all the circumstances I have not noticed and was interested at that time not too much. I realized then his face, still shocked, I asked the taxi driver what do about all these homeless people there. They had been given food. As I asked him to please drive past there again, Basti said to me that you could see from the homeless crowd only wick hands, wanted me to call back. He had me so well recognized. So we took a round and held a second time on there, Esteban smiled and was happy to see me and greeted me as always. Well, it now looked not. Without a shirt, was so hot, hair a little longer and hold visible consuming. How I feel, he said, "Good" I said, "is the question of how you're doing .."... "Well bad ."... I asked why he did not go back to the center. He could not, was even kicked out. That it is just being a definite, clear the air with the pastor, he probably did not understand. He knows that he needs to stay, but just could not believe his back. I have tried to motivate him, he still wished all the best, he slipped something to eat, and I continue on his way. Once again, it hurt me in the soul, the sight.
Here is another picture at that time from the center.
The trip to Nicaragua in Ticabus went quite well, apart from the fact that we have the spaces in front of the toilet and apparently had all the passengers properly expressed the bladder. Was puking too. I'll skip the details.
arrived at the border, was the first thing we saw after leaving a small child with bent back, that we wanted to carry our bags for small payment to the baggage check 4 meters. Still very scared was followed by several others. To our horror, there were even one or two passengers, who accepted the offer. Women everywhere were in a white apron and wash bowls filled with cookies around, and tried to sell them or juice cartons. Seller also went on bicycles with cabinets over the place, switch between dried banana peels on the floor somewhere, something to earn from the crowd. Between us besieging money changers and sweltering heat then our luggage was checked all the more or less. The control we would probably save directly, because smuggling is easy. Nix with electric trunk scanner and immigration. The new body scanner will never arrive here safely. After beaten 4 hours waiting for passport control, it then went on at last. Drug smuggling seemingly no matter the main thing is, no illegal Nicaraguan immigrants who want to return home. But yes Gibts the river, the they can cross.
border crossing
arrived in Granada we spent 2 wonderful days. The route should be: Granada - Isla de Ometepe on Lago de Nicaragua - San Juan of Sur. Then back to Costa Rica at the Playa Conchal, a beach made of shells.
In Granada was found almost exclusively large, different colored colonial buildings, most in front of a rocking chair home. All they had opened their doors and sat or played in front of the house or on the road. Very friendly, the people there. Overall, quite harmless, and incredibly stylish everything. Walking through the city, we met young men who have middle of the street, the national sport of baseball (Ah, so there will be baseball played!) Played without a bat and glove. Was quite interesting to see how you can improvise very well. In the small Central Park one was directly approached by tourist guides, who wanted to offer her a tour to Germany for relatively little money. There were souvenirs to buy in addition to pockets and purses made from crocodile leather (No, thank you!) Or stuffed toads in Kamasutra position. Now and then one a goat ran down the street on their way.
the toads. Very abnormal.
copied films are sold for little money on the street.
the interior of the hostel. All around were tables with bar
crocodile leather a sight that one moves back often.
The beer from Nicaragua.
in the city tour
A lot of fans in the church, sometimes interesting. There also those parts it
anything that might need what. Chewing gum, cigarettes, fruit ..
The first real vacation we have the afternoon a "trip" taken on the adjacent town of Masaya. There should be a souvenir market, where we wanted to buy our souvenirs for little money. With an old school bus from the U.S. (this is done so with the buses, if the U.S. no longer needs them!), For which the driver the equivalent of 60 € has a full tank while driving, are we arrived. Ultimately, the souvenirs - the adapted yet so rich Europeans and North Americans - but not so favorable. What we rather stood out was the unique idea of Masaya bus station and the corridor through the city. I watch it to you, I save the words. Behind the bus station they found a large sign "Please leave any rubbish," I had to smile ..... On the way back ran to the bus station after our visit to the souvenir market, then a little boy behind us without a T-shirt and with bread in hand He had discovered us rich Eurpäer and spotted his chance. "Give me some money, I have nothing to eat," he shouted at us. We pointed out to him that he only just bread in his hand and apparently has something to eat. Grinning, he said, "No," he would not!, As we repeated that he as yet has bread in his hand said, "but .... but I have no shirt !"... That is just anecdote, a total of one felt during the whole stay in Nicaragua, that people are generally poorer than in Costa Rica, which was already noted at the border and led further to the exit.
Cordoba - Cordoba 30 are 1 €. There are therefore 30 and 70 cent notes.
For the days in Granada, we have the equivalent of $ 25 paid for 2 days, where we have lived in a hostel and eaten. What more could you want.
Next we took the ferry to Isla de Ometepe, a four-hour boat ride that was entirely due to sunset views and very bearable.
When leaving the ferry .... So there are all the bananas, which can be purchased days later in Rewe Markt!
on the island where you had the feeling that people lead relatively cut off from all her life, as in ancient times (compared to Germany). Every morning they burn their leaves, their waste, I also believe, so the middle of the field. are on every corner there is a Pulperia so moderately large city was not found. Neither McDonald's nor any of the other many international chains was found. And that was a good thing. In fact, I have not seen any of these chains in Nicaragua. Sure they do, safe in the capital Managua. But not where I was. On Isla we then after the night in the hotel made a day trip over one half of the island. With as 70 km in diameter it was not soooo small. In the Tour we have so left some interesting points, where you either had a super view to the two volcanoes on the island, or where one has to learn about the history of the Mayas. Petroglyphs there was plenty of stone strikes of the Maya ... very tourist-standard we have scoured the area which was still standing remains of a Mayan princess throne and amazed we called just "Ahhh" and "Oohhh," as the guide told us any stories of turtle eggs as Viagra and other Mayan stories. The volcanoes we could not of us Close up view, as the climb 4, would have taken the big 10 hours. Then we had no desire. The larger volcano called Concepcion travel guide will apply according to one of the most beautiful volcanoes.
Punta Jesus Maria, from which one can see two volcanoes on the island.
women wash their clothes in the Lago de Nicaragua!
painting in a restaurant Native hut with volcano in the background
"Ojo de Agua "..." water eye "... filled with cooled water volcano .. Scorpio warning of the Mayas.
Since we wanted to spend New Year's Eve in San Juan del Sur on the beach, we have already 30 on the way there made. The crowd should be great, and we wanted to secure a hotel room. The ferry went to the mainland to Rivas, and from there we took a taxi to about 25 kilometers away, San Juan del Sur, $ 10 it cost. There were four, so $ 2 a person, a very reasonable price of a taxi. For $ 10 the night (New Year extra charge 100%) then we have found a gringo-occupied and Canadian Hostel (what else there is not ...). The guide said that one should not hesitate to support the local population, in which one chooses local restaurants and generally paying attention to that boosts the Nicaraguan economy, not the North American. Otherwise, only increase the rent and that makes it impossible for the locals to live there. This would then die out, the typical culture. This object was found to be out, not so easy always belonged Restaurants Canadians and Americans. The last - comparatively to foreign - shabby restaurants along the beach promenade had then once an owner of Nicaragua. Not very inviting, but most of it authentic than the Ami swanky restaurants. Nevertheless, we can not take us to visit one of these appear to expensive restaurants. For the equivalent of $ 5 has to be indulged with a delicious dish to drink and felt as if you were in a luxury restaurant on the beach.
We spent so times a day at the beach. On 31 night we did a Hawaiian restaurant with Hawaiian locate owners and beaten us there in full Hawaiian buffet, a fully grilled pork belly and Mai Tai.
the pig Rum from Nicaragua
Mai Tai with Hawaiian food
Then we went back to the hostel, there was already properly fueled the party .... most blonde by those present, with sunburn provided Europeans and North Americans. All she wanted later in the "Blue" Go. It seemed as if it were THE party venue in town. Precisely for this reason we have decided directly for a local bar on the beach, which was also a popular local destination. There, we have danced and celebrated the new year. Ultimately, it turned out that the "Blue" had many guests from other countries and Managua. Just the ones on the beach outside wanted to celebrate. Our decision was not so very wrong. After our return to the hostel we found two of the blonde sun Brandler, whose camera was stolen in Blue. Another friend also. The paradise for predators just, because I can talk the talk. went
On the first morning it is back relatively early to Costa Rica, the Playa Conchal it should go. The Resume of Nicaragua, I can say that this country is probably still separated from any globalization measures. It sometimes feels like 50 years ago, where you can still continue with carriage moving and where means of communication such as internet, mobile phones etc. could only dream of. It was definitely an experience. Later I learned that Nicaragua until 1990 in the war and was therefore under construction process.
was so simple it does not find the way to Playa Conchal. Tickets we had not only the return ticket on the border to Liberia, from there we had to then. Once again you got to feel that you are in Costa Rica. Vague statements, strange departure times and thanks to improvisation has it but then managed to arrive. To come to the Playa Conchal, one must first cross the adjacent beach Playa Brasilito. Since some years ago set an American luxury hotel chain of one of their hotels before the Playa Conchal has, and therefore direct access to it has blocked, is now the Playa Brasilito used to go to Playa Conchal. Pity about the quite beautiful beach, which is now dotted with tire tracks. Nevertheless, there are campsites right on the beach, which are also used abundantly. They found almost exclusively Ticos there who wanted to enjoy their last free Christmas day at the beach. One must say that the Playa Conchal is not praised by all for nothing, until now it was really the most beautiful beach. One would have liked less people, but at least there were almost only Ticos (apart from the luxury hotel-Americans who usually inconspicuously disguised with a huge sun hat and sandals have!).
This time we had to choose a hotel just off the beach, otherwise gave no rooms available. The room we have moved quickly after the first night with numerous visiting insects and mold. The Californian owner told us, after we and our activities were presented directly from the fact that he was the first day of alcohol withdrawal (whose activity was probably triggered?). We talked briefly about his addiction and this was ultimately the reason why we did not then even bothered with room problems.
After a very relaxing day at the beach and initial price shock, such as Costa Rica is expensive but we made our way home again on the third. The public bus back to Liberia, which we had to take had almost an hour late (we are in Costa Rica!) And the second bus to San Jose we had because of overcrowding standing room is (relatively quick return trip, 5 hours, especially if it is!). Thanks organizational skills - the driver - we still get hold of a free seat, which we then shared in turn. At 8 I was back in familiar surroundings. With anticipation of the first working day.
With some delay I made my Then on Monday on his way to the center. As always, I was kindly received. Juan told me directly that they had been afraid, I'm not and there is no English classes today. But then the relief. To my surprise, I met a familiar face - Jimmy ("me mucho love you" from Puntarenas) is back! One month he was allegedly at sea, where he worked. After his return, he then has first drunk for days, he told me proudly. Yes, and now he is back. After the exact circumstances, I have not asked. Then it went off again in his affairs with women. His girlfriend wanted to come to church, she spoke on the phone every day, etc. pp. ...
Tuesday morgends then near the Parque Central's on my morning commute was then hit me with a loud singing Penner, where you could abspachteln the dirt on their fingernails can. We saw us, and he opened his arms as if he expected a hug from me and called me "Benitaaa!" contrary. It was Maikol. Not the confused Maikol, another who has not lived long in the project worth. Maybe 2 weeks. He was also in my classes. Before we got to know him, but he was gone again. There he stood and examined me from top to bottom, my necklace seemed to please most. Who knows what reason, one can only guess. I would not be in the center San Jose and the middle of the day with a lot of people were around me, I would have made me quickly out of the dust. You never know! I greeted him and asked him about his illness. Already he asked if I could not help him to talk to Wilberth so he can return to the center. I then told him that I would very welcomed when he comes back. However, I think it is a better idea if he tried it himself first. Sun finally comes not just over, when he would much mind if I control everything for him. He still has not appeared, it seemed not very serious.
The English class is well received, it is progressing, time to time one goes, every now and then is a. Every now and again, one is to the student was not a long time, and then it is interested or vice versa. At the moment it goes well, we're a pretty small group. I troublemakers under control, but one must always admonish. One of my students, Anthony reminds me of Adrian. Perhaps it reminds you yet, he could then still nothing with him and it made me very happy if he had learned something. I think Anthony learns the most, he is one of those who tried to think properly at night without being asked questions and learn or for those who can already English, inquired as to what can now "I the alphabet "or" You're beautiful words. "Also on the notes, you realize with how serious a person with learning. Sometimes I'm really touched how neat my paintings are copied. On Monday is now the next or the first test announced. It this time, an oral test. I realized that I had in the short time that I teach the most, should pay more attention to the debate as to the letter. Probably they will never have to write something in English and the big difference between the English pronunciation of the letter and makes the most of creating much so that sometimes they give up. If they can understand English and know some of Ami expressions which is already a step forward that can help them in the tourism-dependent Costa Rica and our globalized world. Well that I can help them. For motivation I bring chocolate. I will (touted as the best chocolate ever), the chocolate box with the little Twix, which my mom sent me for Christmas, and a bar of Milka chocolate with you. And only those who have learned they will be able to enjoy. I have such very tolerant given the option to connect the test not at all, but just no chocolate. I know full well that anyone who is trapped there and milk, cheese and chocolate, especially withdrawal, will seize this opportunity. Suddenly they were very interested in what they learn because all are. In the dream nature, to questions like "How do you say" she "in English?" with "I. ... ehhh ... ehhh .... They .... are ..... ehhh .... we have ... ehhh ..." to respond, I'm improving at it. The first answer is one, if it is false, no chocolate. I eat it just ... or wait, she just eats anyone who gives me the right answer. I can wean them probably not complete, it seems as if burned. You can tell that most are in fact not so clear thinking like normal people, maybe it's just momentary confusion because withdrawal ....
come I am beginning to end ....
to be continued.
The week before Christmas Wilberth told me then that no one working there over Christmas and therefore I also have two weeks free. Micah and I are determined to short before Christmas, then drove to Playa Samara in Guanacaste. The beach was super nice and the village is very quiet. We had a hostel right on the beach, have sliced pineapple for breakfast and ne in the evening went to one of the three beach bars. Super feeling! There were hardly any people there. On the first day the weather was shit. Micah and I are in the rain then went jogging on the beach and have explored the village, what else makes a day after our arrival Basti then complied. In the evening we rented surfboards and surfed for an hour. Was heavenly beautiful, so start at sunset surf his attempts. A day later, Hannah is with her friend, who was visiting from Germany, arrived. So we then have enjoyed the few days.
On 23 Are we then come back. Michael had to buy, gifts, therefore had to it may be that day (haha). I told him I'll buy him presents when he briefly comes to Alajuelita. I wanted to do it all again just before Christmas a Merry Christmas and see how it looks in the center. No sooner said than done. All are so excited and have loved Michael being received. He was very touched by all, and would like to come again. His plan is once a month.
On 24 I was the day on the road in San Jose. How do you know that the city was crowded with people and was the police presence is greater than ever. I should be at 19.30 clock at home, then we would go around to the house of my host uncle to dinner and eating at all the Night out. To 5:30 I got a call from the beloved host sister that I should come so fast it home if I knew that we go to Mauricio's house. Sure, I'm already on the road. Earlier than expected and surprised how many people are there at a time and date were still in the buses and the city, so I came at home. Finally, we set off at 22.00 clock! No comment.
gifts were all wrapped up in the last second and the grandmother was preparing in full swing right at the food. Overall, it seemed like a party preparing, less festive as it used to. It should also be enough alcohol on site, even whiskey, told me Jessie.
The wonderful Snow. The TV was nachplatziert.
Mauricio's house.
Gastopi guest and friend of the uncle with baby clothes for the unborn.
Jessie with Paris Hilton Chihuaha the host uncle in Santa Claus costume. The outfit has to be right.
we When, therefore, arrived and I have admired once the giant house and numerous cars were first gathered all and have for Christmas music, the younger ones played Playstation, the elderly have prepared the food and the Gastopa has enjoyed the whiskey. Shortly before 24 Clock then we gathered at the manger and gifts, heard a Merry Christmas song and prayer, or remembers us, or something like that, until the new year I wanted to say, until the 25th! The Beschehrung was almost a mess, everyone gave everyone their gifts and all were pleased. Then there was finally the food. There was a huge roast, salad, refried beans and rice, so very strange, sometimes rice, but delicious. The pregnant girlfriend of my uncle's other guest, I am then 1:30 to cut back home, the rest of the family spent the night at the inn uncle at home. I had promised my aunt another guest to stop by briefly. That's why I made earlier from the dust. Also, I was on 25 at the BBQ in Micah invited, and knew that I in the continuous Tico Time can not rely on time the next day to be at home, rather than arrive in Micah. Were all in order. Back at home, then the whole rest of the family in the house of my uncle Elias another guest at the end of the road was assembled. They were all very pleased to see me. Together, we have sat together a short time, then we went off to the house of the host cousins. There we have four, the 2 guest Cousins Gabo, and friend Steven Hassan still to 5 clock perched together and talk about God and the world. Everywhere, the party I noticed after disco I did not, however, felt that it was too strange. When I
25 came home at night, Gastopa was the very end in bed, he had a hangover, throwing up, he probably already has. Since I had to smile. Unfortunately, I had no miracles suppositories with expiration date in 2005 while that I had given my mother long ago and, in due time, namely, who have had worked!
round a nice Christmas.
I would like to thank those who have thought of your home to me. I am happy again, sometimes mitzubekommen again, as it looks at home and remember that it is not forgotten, although one is in the distance! Thanks very dear to my parents, my Grandma Chris, my Aunt Silke, my Aunt Silvia, Gerdi & Wilberth, my Blog diligent reader Vera, my dear Kevin, Sabri, and of course (gb) Franca!
On 26 So then began my trip to Nicaragua. Basti and I should be, in the short term has still connected to Katrina, had planned at the same time to go to Nicaragua. In Granada, we wanted to meet. Basti and I sat in the taxi to the bus station in Coca Cola. As we are almost there, I found myself next to a group of homeless people sitting on the street and eat. I glanced at the crowd and saw a familiar face - Esteban. He had about 2 weeks before leaving the project. He was kicked out because he probably something for too much of the fish lunch had eaten, who was there for everyone. Sun all the circumstances I have not noticed and was interested at that time not too much. I realized then his face, still shocked, I asked the taxi driver what do about all these homeless people there. They had been given food. As I asked him to please drive past there again, Basti said to me that you could see from the homeless crowd only wick hands, wanted me to call back. He had me so well recognized. So we took a round and held a second time on there, Esteban smiled and was happy to see me and greeted me as always. Well, it now looked not. Without a shirt, was so hot, hair a little longer and hold visible consuming. How I feel, he said, "Good" I said, "is the question of how you're doing .."... "Well bad ."... I asked why he did not go back to the center. He could not, was even kicked out. That it is just being a definite, clear the air with the pastor, he probably did not understand. He knows that he needs to stay, but just could not believe his back. I have tried to motivate him, he still wished all the best, he slipped something to eat, and I continue on his way. Once again, it hurt me in the soul, the sight.
Here is another picture at that time from the center.
The trip to Nicaragua in Ticabus went quite well, apart from the fact that we have the spaces in front of the toilet and apparently had all the passengers properly expressed the bladder. Was puking too. I'll skip the details.
arrived at the border, was the first thing we saw after leaving a small child with bent back, that we wanted to carry our bags for small payment to the baggage check 4 meters. Still very scared was followed by several others. To our horror, there were even one or two passengers, who accepted the offer. Women everywhere were in a white apron and wash bowls filled with cookies around, and tried to sell them or juice cartons. Seller also went on bicycles with cabinets over the place, switch between dried banana peels on the floor somewhere, something to earn from the crowd. Between us besieging money changers and sweltering heat then our luggage was checked all the more or less. The control we would probably save directly, because smuggling is easy. Nix with electric trunk scanner and immigration. The new body scanner will never arrive here safely. After beaten 4 hours waiting for passport control, it then went on at last. Drug smuggling seemingly no matter the main thing is, no illegal Nicaraguan immigrants who want to return home. But yes Gibts the river, the they can cross.
border crossing
arrived in Granada we spent 2 wonderful days. The route should be: Granada - Isla de Ometepe on Lago de Nicaragua - San Juan of Sur. Then back to Costa Rica at the Playa Conchal, a beach made of shells.
In Granada was found almost exclusively large, different colored colonial buildings, most in front of a rocking chair home. All they had opened their doors and sat or played in front of the house or on the road. Very friendly, the people there. Overall, quite harmless, and incredibly stylish everything. Walking through the city, we met young men who have middle of the street, the national sport of baseball (Ah, so there will be baseball played!) Played without a bat and glove. Was quite interesting to see how you can improvise very well. In the small Central Park one was directly approached by tourist guides, who wanted to offer her a tour to Germany for relatively little money. There were souvenirs to buy in addition to pockets and purses made from crocodile leather (No, thank you!) Or stuffed toads in Kamasutra position. Now and then one a goat ran down the street on their way.
the toads. Very abnormal.
copied films are sold for little money on the street.
the interior of the hostel. All around were tables with bar
crocodile leather a sight that one moves back often.
The beer from Nicaragua.
in the city tour
A lot of fans in the church, sometimes interesting. There also those parts it
anything that might need what. Chewing gum, cigarettes, fruit ..
The first real vacation we have the afternoon a "trip" taken on the adjacent town of Masaya. There should be a souvenir market, where we wanted to buy our souvenirs for little money. With an old school bus from the U.S. (this is done so with the buses, if the U.S. no longer needs them!), For which the driver the equivalent of 60 € has a full tank while driving, are we arrived. Ultimately, the souvenirs - the adapted yet so rich Europeans and North Americans - but not so favorable. What we rather stood out was the unique idea of Masaya bus station and the corridor through the city. I watch it to you, I save the words. Behind the bus station they found a large sign "Please leave any rubbish," I had to smile ..... On the way back ran to the bus station after our visit to the souvenir market, then a little boy behind us without a T-shirt and with bread in hand He had discovered us rich Eurpäer and spotted his chance. "Give me some money, I have nothing to eat," he shouted at us. We pointed out to him that he only just bread in his hand and apparently has something to eat. Grinning, he said, "No," he would not!, As we repeated that he as yet has bread in his hand said, "but .... but I have no shirt !"... That is just anecdote, a total of one felt during the whole stay in Nicaragua, that people are generally poorer than in Costa Rica, which was already noted at the border and led further to the exit.
Cordoba - Cordoba 30 are 1 €. There are therefore 30 and 70 cent notes.
For the days in Granada, we have the equivalent of $ 25 paid for 2 days, where we have lived in a hostel and eaten. What more could you want.
Next we took the ferry to Isla de Ometepe, a four-hour boat ride that was entirely due to sunset views and very bearable.
When leaving the ferry .... So there are all the bananas, which can be purchased days later in Rewe Markt!
on the island where you had the feeling that people lead relatively cut off from all her life, as in ancient times (compared to Germany). Every morning they burn their leaves, their waste, I also believe, so the middle of the field. are on every corner there is a Pulperia so moderately large city was not found. Neither McDonald's nor any of the other many international chains was found. And that was a good thing. In fact, I have not seen any of these chains in Nicaragua. Sure they do, safe in the capital Managua. But not where I was. On Isla we then after the night in the hotel made a day trip over one half of the island. With as 70 km in diameter it was not soooo small. In the Tour we have so left some interesting points, where you either had a super view to the two volcanoes on the island, or where one has to learn about the history of the Mayas. Petroglyphs there was plenty of stone strikes of the Maya ... very tourist-standard we have scoured the area which was still standing remains of a Mayan princess throne and amazed we called just "Ahhh" and "Oohhh," as the guide told us any stories of turtle eggs as Viagra and other Mayan stories. The volcanoes we could not of us Close up view, as the climb 4, would have taken the big 10 hours. Then we had no desire. The larger volcano called Concepcion travel guide will apply according to one of the most beautiful volcanoes.
Punta Jesus Maria, from which one can see two volcanoes on the island.
women wash their clothes in the Lago de Nicaragua!
painting in a restaurant Native hut with volcano in the background
"Ojo de Agua "..." water eye "... filled with cooled water volcano .. Scorpio warning of the Mayas.
Since we wanted to spend New Year's Eve in San Juan del Sur on the beach, we have already 30 on the way there made. The crowd should be great, and we wanted to secure a hotel room. The ferry went to the mainland to Rivas, and from there we took a taxi to about 25 kilometers away, San Juan del Sur, $ 10 it cost. There were four, so $ 2 a person, a very reasonable price of a taxi. For $ 10 the night (New Year extra charge 100%) then we have found a gringo-occupied and Canadian Hostel (what else there is not ...). The guide said that one should not hesitate to support the local population, in which one chooses local restaurants and generally paying attention to that boosts the Nicaraguan economy, not the North American. Otherwise, only increase the rent and that makes it impossible for the locals to live there. This would then die out, the typical culture. This object was found to be out, not so easy always belonged Restaurants Canadians and Americans. The last - comparatively to foreign - shabby restaurants along the beach promenade had then once an owner of Nicaragua. Not very inviting, but most of it authentic than the Ami swanky restaurants. Nevertheless, we can not take us to visit one of these appear to expensive restaurants. For the equivalent of $ 5 has to be indulged with a delicious dish to drink and felt as if you were in a luxury restaurant on the beach.
We spent so times a day at the beach. On 31 night we did a Hawaiian restaurant with Hawaiian locate owners and beaten us there in full Hawaiian buffet, a fully grilled pork belly and Mai Tai.
the pig Rum from Nicaragua
Mai Tai with Hawaiian food
Then we went back to the hostel, there was already properly fueled the party .... most blonde by those present, with sunburn provided Europeans and North Americans. All she wanted later in the "Blue" Go. It seemed as if it were THE party venue in town. Precisely for this reason we have decided directly for a local bar on the beach, which was also a popular local destination. There, we have danced and celebrated the new year. Ultimately, it turned out that the "Blue" had many guests from other countries and Managua. Just the ones on the beach outside wanted to celebrate. Our decision was not so very wrong. After our return to the hostel we found two of the blonde sun Brandler, whose camera was stolen in Blue. Another friend also. The paradise for predators just, because I can talk the talk. went
On the first morning it is back relatively early to Costa Rica, the Playa Conchal it should go. The Resume of Nicaragua, I can say that this country is probably still separated from any globalization measures. It sometimes feels like 50 years ago, where you can still continue with carriage moving and where means of communication such as internet, mobile phones etc. could only dream of. It was definitely an experience. Later I learned that Nicaragua until 1990 in the war and was therefore under construction process.
was so simple it does not find the way to Playa Conchal. Tickets we had not only the return ticket on the border to Liberia, from there we had to then. Once again you got to feel that you are in Costa Rica. Vague statements, strange departure times and thanks to improvisation has it but then managed to arrive. To come to the Playa Conchal, one must first cross the adjacent beach Playa Brasilito. Since some years ago set an American luxury hotel chain of one of their hotels before the Playa Conchal has, and therefore direct access to it has blocked, is now the Playa Brasilito used to go to Playa Conchal. Pity about the quite beautiful beach, which is now dotted with tire tracks. Nevertheless, there are campsites right on the beach, which are also used abundantly. They found almost exclusively Ticos there who wanted to enjoy their last free Christmas day at the beach. One must say that the Playa Conchal is not praised by all for nothing, until now it was really the most beautiful beach. One would have liked less people, but at least there were almost only Ticos (apart from the luxury hotel-Americans who usually inconspicuously disguised with a huge sun hat and sandals have!).
This time we had to choose a hotel just off the beach, otherwise gave no rooms available. The room we have moved quickly after the first night with numerous visiting insects and mold. The Californian owner told us, after we and our activities were presented directly from the fact that he was the first day of alcohol withdrawal (whose activity was probably triggered?). We talked briefly about his addiction and this was ultimately the reason why we did not then even bothered with room problems.
After a very relaxing day at the beach and initial price shock, such as Costa Rica is expensive but we made our way home again on the third. The public bus back to Liberia, which we had to take had almost an hour late (we are in Costa Rica!) And the second bus to San Jose we had because of overcrowding standing room is (relatively quick return trip, 5 hours, especially if it is!). Thanks organizational skills - the driver - we still get hold of a free seat, which we then shared in turn. At 8 I was back in familiar surroundings. With anticipation of the first working day.
With some delay I made my Then on Monday on his way to the center. As always, I was kindly received. Juan told me directly that they had been afraid, I'm not and there is no English classes today. But then the relief. To my surprise, I met a familiar face - Jimmy ("me mucho love you" from Puntarenas) is back! One month he was allegedly at sea, where he worked. After his return, he then has first drunk for days, he told me proudly. Yes, and now he is back. After the exact circumstances, I have not asked. Then it went off again in his affairs with women. His girlfriend wanted to come to church, she spoke on the phone every day, etc. pp. ...
Tuesday morgends then near the Parque Central's on my morning commute was then hit me with a loud singing Penner, where you could abspachteln the dirt on their fingernails can. We saw us, and he opened his arms as if he expected a hug from me and called me "Benitaaa!" contrary. It was Maikol. Not the confused Maikol, another who has not lived long in the project worth. Maybe 2 weeks. He was also in my classes. Before we got to know him, but he was gone again. There he stood and examined me from top to bottom, my necklace seemed to please most. Who knows what reason, one can only guess. I would not be in the center San Jose and the middle of the day with a lot of people were around me, I would have made me quickly out of the dust. You never know! I greeted him and asked him about his illness. Already he asked if I could not help him to talk to Wilberth so he can return to the center. I then told him that I would very welcomed when he comes back. However, I think it is a better idea if he tried it himself first. Sun finally comes not just over, when he would much mind if I control everything for him. He still has not appeared, it seemed not very serious.
The English class is well received, it is progressing, time to time one goes, every now and then is a. Every now and again, one is to the student was not a long time, and then it is interested or vice versa. At the moment it goes well, we're a pretty small group. I troublemakers under control, but one must always admonish. One of my students, Anthony reminds me of Adrian. Perhaps it reminds you yet, he could then still nothing with him and it made me very happy if he had learned something. I think Anthony learns the most, he is one of those who tried to think properly at night without being asked questions and learn or for those who can already English, inquired as to what can now "I the alphabet "or" You're beautiful words. "Also on the notes, you realize with how serious a person with learning. Sometimes I'm really touched how neat my paintings are copied. On Monday is now the next or the first test announced. It this time, an oral test. I realized that I had in the short time that I teach the most, should pay more attention to the debate as to the letter. Probably they will never have to write something in English and the big difference between the English pronunciation of the letter and makes the most of creating much so that sometimes they give up. If they can understand English and know some of Ami expressions which is already a step forward that can help them in the tourism-dependent Costa Rica and our globalized world. Well that I can help them. For motivation I bring chocolate. I will (touted as the best chocolate ever), the chocolate box with the little Twix, which my mom sent me for Christmas, and a bar of Milka chocolate with you. And only those who have learned they will be able to enjoy. I have such very tolerant given the option to connect the test not at all, but just no chocolate. I know full well that anyone who is trapped there and milk, cheese and chocolate, especially withdrawal, will seize this opportunity. Suddenly they were very interested in what they learn because all are. In the dream nature, to questions like "How do you say" she "in English?" with "I. ... ehhh ... ehhh .... They .... are ..... ehhh .... we have ... ehhh ..." to respond, I'm improving at it. The first answer is one, if it is false, no chocolate. I eat it just ... or wait, she just eats anyone who gives me the right answer. I can wean them probably not complete, it seems as if burned. You can tell that most are in fact not so clear thinking like normal people, maybe it's just momentary confusion because withdrawal ....
come I am beginning to end ....
to be continued.
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