Student Wants To Feel Teachers Boobs
"men as role models" [ Stuttgarter Zeitung , 27.08.2010]
Stuttgart - With boys handled helpless, says the FDP politician Miriam greeting. Therefore, they often show weaknesses.
woman greeting, the coalition will develop a "separate boys' and men's politics." Until now, one hears little of it.
boys are often educational losers, and we want to change. Education begins in early childhood. Therefore, we prepare this summer for a joint request of the coalition parties, which will improve the quality of early childhood education. In autumn it is pursued.
Social origin stigmatized, and women are paid less at work and in leadership positions rarely seen. Why do we strengthen the boys' and men's politics?
Unfortunately it so that even in Germany there is a relationship between social background and educational success. But who says that we do not care more about? The issue of equal rights for women should not be neglected. But the boys have to take nonetheless increasingly become the focus, because we find that their specific potentials are not sufficiently promoted in the education system. Girls read a lot better. Girls are generally faster ready for school. We note that Girls with personal failure to deal more easily, boys respond with frustration. The proportion of boys who pursue a higher education career, is lower. The majority of students are female. This is reversed only if the child's question is for women.
Perhaps boys are not at a disadvantage, maybe they are, put it bluntly, only dumber and lazier than girls?
This is nonsense. Boys are often not promoted according to their abilities. It is so that boys and girls have different approaches. Boys are often rabauke, louder, have other forms of play as a girl.
What boys need to take hold?
The federal government is not as responsible in the first place. Education is individual states, and therefore we need to cooperate with the state ministries. We have to develop gender-specific teaching methods, the traditional gender roles and stereotypes into question. We need training for educators and teachers to respond to the needs of both sexes. We must also encourage the reading of boys specifically. We need a higher proportion of men in teaching jobs that can adequately respond to their gender.
want How do you motivate men?
The imbalance is partly due to the poor pay. I regret that, because the educators go daily with our children, so the future of Germany in order. So we have to set with better training and more adequate pay incentives. It must be countered but also the stigma of exclusion of men who choose these professions. The traditional thinking locates just a man in a police station rather than in the toddler group. This must change. We need men in schools and kindergartens.
There is little Evidence that the education of boys behind the predominance of women in educational occupations is due. Some call it a fad. Is that it?
No. There is strong evidence that there is a connection between the education of boys lagging behind and the lack of male role models. Boys with behavioral problems is often helpless and awkward deal. It is far too often and too quickly, ADHD (attention deficit disorder, d.Red.) Stated. The boys are then immobilized with a pill. This is not the answer to this challenge. This does not mean that we must not encourage the girls, we must broaden the perspective.
suffer from lack of role models but also girls ...
So everything looks, phases of teaching gender to hold, therefore, to separate boys and girls.
How should run for the practical?
It should be considered to teach individual lessons or topics trains purely male or purely female. Now I am not in favor of introducing a general separation, but certain topics are already for it.
For example?
It can be useful when it comes to education and sexuality in adolescence, the boys and the girls to have among themselves. Against common math schooling, in principle nothing. But girls do in math tend to be heavier, and perhaps they understand the connections in an all-girl group better. They dare to be more likely to ask questions because they have the embarrassment of the boys would be. The schools must be able to try out such forms.
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