time we went to Guatemala.
little longer than a week wanted Christian, Regina and I visit the country. The plan was perfectly organized by Regina as the first stop of Lago de Atitlan, where the rural Guatemalan culture is still very strong and has the super-clear water and surrounded by several volcanoes on. After that it should to Quetzaltenango: go (short Xela), Guatemala's second largest city (next to the capital, Guatemala City). The last stop on Easter was Antigua, the Easter processions all over the world are known (should have been. They say).
Flying was uncomplicated. And 1000 times better than to spend 3 days in Ticabus, which indeed was a possibility would be. Of eternal checks and maintenance as in the A-us emigrate to the United States does not track. After arriving in the capital, we immediately wanted to Lake, because of Guatemala City had been heard only bad. More dangerous than San Jose, blablabla.
The ride was interesting, just has to be able to see the differences with Costa Rica. Costa Rica is very "Americanized" with its shops and general well-Fastfoos much more modern. People were running around in Guatemala or in their typical costumes, carrying baskets on their heads or had their children bound with a huge blanket on the back. Many street vendors went, with pick-ups past us and sat back to 10t or the whole family together with the 4 children wrapped in blankets on it. Most people farm workers there. Many working children could be seen unfortunately. Where it did not seem as if something atypical and abnormal child labor there.
My Information urge took over and I took a brochure in hand.
The largest city arrived at the lake, we took another water taxi to the town of Santa Cruz, who was on the other side of the lake.
our contact point of the boat.
one of the volcanoes
Santa Cruz. There was our hotel, we had better not meet. In Santa Cruz was not just about more than the hotel, that is why it also offers everything your heart desires. Quite apart from the proper room, there was a sauna, a movie and book room, yoga classes and what caused us the most fun: dinner. For 50 Quetzales (we only lovingly Kwetztaler), and converted 5 euros you could sign up for the dinners, at which there was a starter, main course and dessert. As much as you wanted of course. The food was a dream, that we missed even after we left.
The consumer system was very pleasant, you could order what you wanted, it was all set to his account. After 3 days, I paid 37 euros whole, overnight noticed.
Our hotel "La Iguana Perdida"
the sauna.
after long persuasion on my part, but sometimes that we should start a sauna, then the fire Make Chrissi has taken in hand, like in the old Boy Scout days. Bottle of rum with the Canadian, who lived in our room, and plenty of sweat of the course was a pleasure.
our room
drink something on. sweet picture!
On our first day was great lake cleanup day, much has been done to keep the lake and its surroundings clean.
Many people, locals, tourists and volunteers have helped the hotel, we are back to the largest town on the lake, where Mayan market has taken place. From locals could buy nothing but typical things, scarves, jewelry, clothing, what you just tried. Everywhere were the Indians like people around with their blankets and chains, and spoke to us of their most self-appropriated English tourists in order to sell us something. What I liked was that there was no typical "Guatemala plastic keyring-Souvenirs was, but it was authentic things, some of which were handmade and, especially jewelry. And was to be sold very cheap. As I have awarded.
Chrissis new hat (the seller had hoped for over 10 years)
new earrings
few stalls with ceiling
Sunday we wanted to scuba diving. The only diving school on the lake was at our hotel. Unfortunately, this chance of giving our rum-Canadians was taken, who had signed up weeks ago at a different price, and the instructor probably no two groups may not simultaneously supervise the water. Too bad the experience would have been. Instead, we have used the time well and want to San Marcos, the hippie village on the lake in order to jump from 2 reefs in the lake. Almost more interesting than the rocks, however, was the very small village that has earned the title hippie village. On our way back to the boat then got Oliver, in a small Guatemalan boy me and called out to me that I should not hesitate to shoot a photo of him. I took my course 2 does not say, and the photo shoot with Oli and his brothers went off.
Oliver's brothers, a photo shoot with my camera wanted.
a wall on the way to the right part is filled with garbage. Imaginative decoration!
Oli pull the boat.
the clear water
the restaurant
views of Lake San Marcos
What me during my stay sorry did in Guatemala, was that you really looked at the children in part, that they are already working. Some had dirty clothes, dirty fingernails and a dirty face with scars. That there is probably as this ....
The evenings we spent quietly, as there was not much to ask. Time we made it our cozy room in the movie, sometimes we have made hammocks uncertain, or some private salsa dancing.
exploring in Santa Cruz. The only one who we ran into was a Guatemalan boaters.
From Lago, on reed Bamboo and over, it went to Xela. We arrived at the hotel which was booked over the Internet to, and were initially a bit skeptical when we saw the Zero Eight Fifteen "Hostel" sign next to anfanden a black, rusty gate, on the white sheets with hand-scrawled arrows on it, hung all of which should point to the bell. The route took us past a dusty car in the garage by a right verkruschtes, kitschy Guatemalan family house, past a variety of indoor plants, dusty candlesticks, in which stood leaning candles, dirty plush teddy bears, rusty grill, frilly tablecloths, bric a brac and an almost pink bathroom that the bath my grandma can look stinkmodern, up to our rooms. It was unique. We were so pure taste of the life of the Guatemalan family, and also had a double bed each with a TV in the room. We have paid the equivalent of € 4 per person per night. Once. Especially Chrissi has felt like home, right, he has clothes, money, bought souvenirs and everything else he had with so spread out on the shelves.
in the kitchen with the home help (assuming)
breakfast on the roof
The first night it's worth giving one or two cocktails. The delicious Mai Tais the bar located near the Parque Central, which I of course know his name yet (and never did), kept me entertained. Gina has been drinking through the cocktail menu and the offer Chrissi 1 L beer and 2 tequila shots for little money once or twice, if I remember correctly (...) still used.
The city of Xela we liked, although the 2 largest city in the country, the center was very small. In the Parque Central, we were able to track the time even some Easter processions. Trumpeters and other musicians went to church with incense containers and supporting people behind Fig.
scarves etc. were all available.
shoeshine boy.
overlooking volcano
On the first day we went to the "Fuentes Georgina," hot springs. The water was hot, but bearable. Was closer to the edge of the hot springs there. Nearly boiling hot water ran down to the stones and a lubricating sand from the stones was used as the peeling of the skin. Also, I've massaged my face.
In the evening we joined Jeremih, a North American who resides in our hotel in Guatemala, because we wanted to go out. It went to a kiosk to be nice to know once and a while, could drink two bottles. Then we went to a club. Very modern everything was as we were not at all accustomed to now we were well under the young, modern people. Dance partners were easy to find. A fat man next to Chrissi and I had his fun and was eager to celebrate with us. Jeremih we learn that it was the owner of the famous Bar Rumba. Mex it is called. The thickness asked us to dance with who we want and gave Chrissi regularly for beer. He seemed present every girl and every boy knew. He needed only to show up and they herwinken and already they were on the spot. Always on the move - the "Lucky Charm" (the mascot) from Jade, who had the size of a large Portmonnaise (I was shown several times that evening) and always run around him to small Guatemalteco with long, greasy hair, the more obvious rumschleppte jade works of art with them. Why do they drag along because I asked. He wants to sell. Since I sometimes so some do not understand what's probably because of different cultures and ways of thinking, I did not at all worried about further. More than "Aha," I could think of more.
When I amused myself on how the Chicas and Chicos herwunk Mex European exotics to us to present to us and make us tasty, he shouted to the crowd "I connect!" (I connect!), What amused me even more.
about 1 clock by club and suggested an mex Reggaebar as "after-party," be called after the clock-1-morgends towns well. Everyone in this club who wanted to celebrate more, aimed at this bar. On the way there we were at his bar "Rumba" is over. He called Christian to "Hey .... I Klinsmann my Christopher, comes a look, I'll show my bar!" The bar was found a few occupied tables nurnoch as it was about to close. Mex took us to the bar and introduces us to his bartender Johnny. This is "Chorni Chonni" he said, what he uttered from the English "Horny Johnny" (horny Johnny) just English, and thus turned it into a joke. Johnny protested immediately that he did not invent that name. I stood with Mex at the bar, when he told me that he was Mexican. "Oh, really Mexican?" I asked. He based his elbows on the bar knocked on the biceps and said "Yeah, I'm Mexican!" Just as he aided, I my elbows on the bar and asked, "Oh, arm wrestling, do you want ?"... He replied, "Nah, I'll show you out my gun!" He went to the back of his bar, which looked like a cave, and brought 10 boxes stacked Coca Cola a big, black gun. What a part! Joyfully he played around it, so we have wanted to do from the dust. His cronies, who stole him rum, rum schrieh only what he would do there because that would surely hope not loaded. Mex put the part back into his pants and cried, "Now we can go." .. His cronies asked him "That's not your serious, let the part time here we come ."... were already on the road than Mex with cronies then. Whether with or without a gun now, who knows. Once at the bar Chrissi just left standing at the front door and wanted to play bouncer. As a purely Mex wanted was just "your ID!" by Chrissi. Mex grabbed the back of his pants as he would want to reach for his pistol, and already Chrissi was hidden behind the door. Mex was joking around just to get a glimpse. When it comes to drugs or mafia business, he does not joking around safely. In detail, I will say never. Thankfully. Gina, Mex, I, and Mex's North American affair in the Tiger top sat at the same table and celebrated with a bottle of rum, as suggested Mex that I should now make even someone with arm wrestling. Already set itself a small guy that I noticed previously because he skillful dance moves on the dance floor, lying down, which I suspected already, he is certainly athletic and talented dancers, find me there. That was fast, I won. Quite shocked he got up. I thought it would have been, but now seemed well in the Guatemaltecos herauszuscheinen the ego, which wanted to prove a number of men against me. A regular snake was formed. Let's say, occurred in 7 and gave my right arm a break. Nevertheless, won only 2 of them against me. The two farmers with thick arms who won apologized, then first you very much. I had to confirm to them that it was OK that they have won. wanted to put as the last I looked then to be pausemlosen arm wrestling look around me and noticed that a number of locals were standing around the table, and all together mitfieberten, especially Mex. Since I only saw how Mex already out and a lump of bills, she throws the rage on the table, "I bet on it!" screams. It was getting hotter. Then handed it to me as well. After the session I was arm-wrestling-Mex's Star "You're the jefe, the boss," he called me and wanted to meet only repeatedly express his respect by any handshakes. The remaining locals seemed as if no one would trust more to raise me. What exactly was it now, I know not, because despite our table arm wrestling session was already pretty much the center of the village pub. A little uncomfortable, I was already. If any of you should ever go to Xela asks simply for me, I'm a star - you know me.
We also wanted to see the volcano Santiaguito. This is still active and has several times an hour eruptions. To view this crater, one has to climb the volcano located next to a lookout point. Strangely, we could not predict a time when we can get to the platform. From 45 minutes to 3 hours, once estimated as roughly. Well, we were on our way in the faith, be it 1 1 / 2 hours, said the majority of the people. After 15 minutes of horror road we took a break. Down came a Guatemalan migrant couple who came straight from the top. They told us there were surely 3 hours until the platform. And from there one could see anything anyway, they said. unmotivated to run, this dirt road another almost 3 hours without having actually seen something, we turned around and called our taxi driver. Waiting for the taxi then came down a European couple with a guide. They raved about the 3 eruptions that they have seen on the 1 1 / 2 hours away Platform. I'd say nothing!
the road to Vulkanweg
so far and no further.
overlooking Xela
We went to Antigua. Then we were all probably pretty excited. Antigua was once the capital of Central America. Even today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is still there, with old beautiful, colorful colonial buildings (like in Granada, Nicaragua) and cobblestone streets. We were there in the "Semana Santa", the holy week of Easter week. During this time many Easter processions take place there, which should be great. Many people have been the only reason to Antigua. Sunday then all the people disappeared Monday and the place was deserted. I showed the that tourism in Guatemala is not as great as in Costa Rica, for example, because Mondays were really nurnoch few tourists there, and Antigua is therefore one of the main attractions in the country. Just so I am very interested to travel again in my life there. There is still much to see.
with Volcano view (from the hotel)
with enchilada from the market.
1A in hotel rooms.
Of the great Easter processions where we had heard so much. How did these processions. Well, there were basically moves, which went along an orchestra in a black suit, a lot of locals with dark blue or black robe (explain the black robe at night, I can not.) And worn biblical images on large supporting area of women's or men's groups were. As I understand it, put the pictures are different stories or situations that are then done on the same day and time (Good Friday, Easter Saturday or Sunday). Accordingly, the songs, sometimes frightening, sad, sometimes were not. And always the smell of incense filled the air. Right next to our hotel all food stalls were set up, sat up by 5 clock morgends people there, waiting, sleeping with blankets and eaten, to see the procession (which also took place partly at night, midnight to 4 clock). In addition, all over the streets "flower carpet" made, sometimes even in the middle of the night, then strutted about the probably the parades accordingly, they were then destroyed. What exactly is the meaning behind it was, I have not really questioned, I have admired more the creativity of the artist.
Also visited we got there the volcano Pacaya. We had heard that you can see where lava from the volcano, we had also seen great pictures and wanted us why sometimes even . Convince At 6 clock morgends we were picked up. After Chrissi by 5 clock by another party night at the hotel came and I woke him after his 40 minutes of sleep in semi-coma and forced him to move in, it went off towards the volcano. On the way they found them all over small children walking sticks for 5 Quetzales, 50 Cent, sold, or lent, as they mostly wanted to return after return. To high to seeing you had on a platform that could reach on horseback, and from there you had to run high. We of course the horse. The price we have traded down from 10 € to 5. It has taken, but of course we had previously under the normal prices asked and not the "Ami-prices". That they could be persuaded by us foreigners so badly to take us for 5 €, and are constantly told, why € 10 are justified, we got up with, that the locals only 4 numbers. Bad luck for our guide, who was standing next to us and just smiled. But it was okay because at least we have saved us a lot. The road was high on the horse's back very pleasant, my 55 year-old horse leader, already the third time that day (there were only 8 clock) high, rose, took my walking stick and told me stories about his wife who is 22 and with which he married for 8 months. They met to when she was 15th Then when she was 18 she wanted him not only well, but then has changed her mind. Of God and the world, he told me. According to him, it took from the platform of "Not for long, just 25 minutes." This time has been predicted in hindsight probably doubled if not tripled. Initially it was a few hundred yards grass trail until we came to a cooled lava flow. There we should go up. My thought that we just crossed this stream, turned out to be completely false idea, as the lava cooled, we could only leave after about 40 minutes walking again. 4 years ago, the volcano is once broken, so he is now sprinkled with lava stones. To see the lava, you have to climb over the lava to get as close as possible to get. The problem here is that the stones are smaller and hotter the closer it goes to the lava. By the slope you slide so easily. In addition, lava stones (I speak from experience) very sharp, so you are climbing can not even hold on to it, because you immediately hurt. No joke.
I was glad I had my stick there. Professional it looked, too. An ordeal it was safe, not for every day. I was more nervous the closer it came to the lava. You could not control whether you have a safe passage, could hold one does not, and after a while it started in the shoe soles to smoke and the legs were extremely hot, so we had to move constantly in order not to burn. Our guide took me by the hand and simply said "Do not worry, just go fast .. come ..".. as if it were that simple, fast times to cross the small, sharp lava stones on a volcano, and in addition to ignore the heat. Finally I got it but managed to stay long, I could not, but, yes, I've seen lava. It was a great experience for me. It was so beautiful that it was all one to me, to shoot pictures. Experience counts, I thought. What predominated, however, has been the heat, slip once, and I would have anywhere aufgeratscht. So after I saw the lava, I quickly made my way back.
burned Gina Sole
lava (you magnify the picture!)
the lava!
of smoking volcano
cold lava
The penultimate day Sunday now was our relaxing day. After some souvenir shopping and I still have Gina give yourself a massage and eating at a nice restaurant for dinner.
My trip was a wonderful experience. I have seen many cultural differences to Costa Rica and in general we have experienced a lot and seen. I will certainly return to. In Xela know me even now.
little longer than a week wanted Christian, Regina and I visit the country. The plan was perfectly organized by Regina as the first stop of Lago de Atitlan, where the rural Guatemalan culture is still very strong and has the super-clear water and surrounded by several volcanoes on. After that it should to Quetzaltenango: go (short Xela), Guatemala's second largest city (next to the capital, Guatemala City). The last stop on Easter was Antigua, the Easter processions all over the world are known (should have been. They say).
Flying was uncomplicated. And 1000 times better than to spend 3 days in Ticabus, which indeed was a possibility would be. Of eternal checks and maintenance as in the A-us emigrate to the United States does not track. After arriving in the capital, we immediately wanted to Lake, because of Guatemala City had been heard only bad. More dangerous than San Jose, blablabla.
The ride was interesting, just has to be able to see the differences with Costa Rica. Costa Rica is very "Americanized" with its shops and general well-Fastfoos much more modern. People were running around in Guatemala or in their typical costumes, carrying baskets on their heads or had their children bound with a huge blanket on the back. Many street vendors went, with pick-ups past us and sat back to 10t or the whole family together with the 4 children wrapped in blankets on it. Most people farm workers there. Many working children could be seen unfortunately. Where it did not seem as if something atypical and abnormal child labor there.
My Information urge took over and I took a brochure in hand.
The largest city arrived at the lake, we took another water taxi to the town of Santa Cruz, who was on the other side of the lake.
one of the volcanoes
Santa Cruz. There was our hotel, we had better not meet. In Santa Cruz was not just about more than the hotel, that is why it also offers everything your heart desires. Quite apart from the proper room, there was a sauna, a movie and book room, yoga classes and what caused us the most fun: dinner. For 50 Quetzales (we only lovingly Kwetztaler), and converted 5 euros you could sign up for the dinners, at which there was a starter, main course and dessert. As much as you wanted of course. The food was a dream, that we missed even after we left.
The consumer system was very pleasant, you could order what you wanted, it was all set to his account. After 3 days, I paid 37 euros whole, overnight noticed.
Our hotel "La Iguana Perdida"
the sauna.
our room
On our first day was great lake cleanup day, much has been done to keep the lake and its surroundings clean.
Chrissis new hat (the seller had hoped for over 10 years)
new earrings
Sunday we wanted to scuba diving. The only diving school on the lake was at our hotel. Unfortunately, this chance of giving our rum-Canadians was taken, who had signed up weeks ago at a different price, and the instructor probably no two groups may not simultaneously supervise the water. Too bad the experience would have been. Instead, we have used the time well and want to San Marcos, the hippie village on the lake in order to jump from 2 reefs in the lake. Almost more interesting than the rocks, however, was the very small village that has earned the title hippie village. On our way back to the boat then got Oliver, in a small Guatemalan boy me and called out to me that I should not hesitate to shoot a photo of him. I took my course 2 does not say, and the photo shoot with Oli and his brothers went off.
a wall on the way to the right part is filled with garbage. Imaginative decoration!
Oli pull the boat.
the clear water
What me during my stay sorry did in Guatemala, was that you really looked at the children in part, that they are already working. Some had dirty clothes, dirty fingernails and a dirty face with scars. That there is probably as this ....
The evenings we spent quietly, as there was not much to ask. Time we made it our cozy room in the movie, sometimes we have made hammocks uncertain, or some private salsa dancing.
exploring in Santa Cruz. The only one who we ran into was a Guatemalan boaters.
From Lago, on reed Bamboo and over, it went to Xela. We arrived at the hotel which was booked over the Internet to, and were initially a bit skeptical when we saw the Zero Eight Fifteen "Hostel" sign next to anfanden a black, rusty gate, on the white sheets with hand-scrawled arrows on it, hung all of which should point to the bell. The route took us past a dusty car in the garage by a right verkruschtes, kitschy Guatemalan family house, past a variety of indoor plants, dusty candlesticks, in which stood leaning candles, dirty plush teddy bears, rusty grill, frilly tablecloths, bric a brac and an almost pink bathroom that the bath my grandma can look stinkmodern, up to our rooms. It was unique. We were so pure taste of the life of the Guatemalan family, and also had a double bed each with a TV in the room. We have paid the equivalent of € 4 per person per night. Once. Especially Chrissi has felt like home, right, he has clothes, money, bought souvenirs and everything else he had with so spread out on the shelves.
in the kitchen with the home help (assuming)
breakfast on the roof
The first night it's worth giving one or two cocktails. The delicious Mai Tais the bar located near the Parque Central, which I of course know his name yet (and never did), kept me entertained. Gina has been drinking through the cocktail menu and the offer Chrissi 1 L beer and 2 tequila shots for little money once or twice, if I remember correctly (...) still used.
The city of Xela we liked, although the 2 largest city in the country, the center was very small. In the Parque Central, we were able to track the time even some Easter processions. Trumpeters and other musicians went to church with incense containers and supporting people behind Fig.
scarves etc. were all available.
shoeshine boy.
overlooking volcano
On the first day we went to the "Fuentes Georgina," hot springs. The water was hot, but bearable. Was closer to the edge of the hot springs there. Nearly boiling hot water ran down to the stones and a lubricating sand from the stones was used as the peeling of the skin. Also, I've massaged my face.
In the evening we joined Jeremih, a North American who resides in our hotel in Guatemala, because we wanted to go out. It went to a kiosk to be nice to know once and a while, could drink two bottles. Then we went to a club. Very modern everything was as we were not at all accustomed to now we were well under the young, modern people. Dance partners were easy to find. A fat man next to Chrissi and I had his fun and was eager to celebrate with us. Jeremih we learn that it was the owner of the famous Bar Rumba. Mex it is called. The thickness asked us to dance with who we want and gave Chrissi regularly for beer. He seemed present every girl and every boy knew. He needed only to show up and they herwinken and already they were on the spot. Always on the move - the "Lucky Charm" (the mascot) from Jade, who had the size of a large Portmonnaise (I was shown several times that evening) and always run around him to small Guatemalteco with long, greasy hair, the more obvious rumschleppte jade works of art with them. Why do they drag along because I asked. He wants to sell. Since I sometimes so some do not understand what's probably because of different cultures and ways of thinking, I did not at all worried about further. More than "Aha," I could think of more.
When I amused myself on how the Chicas and Chicos herwunk Mex European exotics to us to present to us and make us tasty, he shouted to the crowd "I connect!" (I connect!), What amused me even more.
about 1 clock by club and suggested an mex Reggaebar as "after-party," be called after the clock-1-morgends towns well. Everyone in this club who wanted to celebrate more, aimed at this bar. On the way there we were at his bar "Rumba" is over. He called Christian to "Hey .... I Klinsmann my Christopher, comes a look, I'll show my bar!" The bar was found a few occupied tables nurnoch as it was about to close. Mex took us to the bar and introduces us to his bartender Johnny. This is "Chorni Chonni" he said, what he uttered from the English "Horny Johnny" (horny Johnny) just English, and thus turned it into a joke. Johnny protested immediately that he did not invent that name. I stood with Mex at the bar, when he told me that he was Mexican. "Oh, really Mexican?" I asked. He based his elbows on the bar knocked on the biceps and said "Yeah, I'm Mexican!" Just as he aided, I my elbows on the bar and asked, "Oh, arm wrestling, do you want ?"... He replied, "Nah, I'll show you out my gun!" He went to the back of his bar, which looked like a cave, and brought 10 boxes stacked Coca Cola a big, black gun. What a part! Joyfully he played around it, so we have wanted to do from the dust. His cronies, who stole him rum, rum schrieh only what he would do there because that would surely hope not loaded. Mex put the part back into his pants and cried, "Now we can go." .. His cronies asked him "That's not your serious, let the part time here we come ."... were already on the road than Mex with cronies then. Whether with or without a gun now, who knows. Once at the bar Chrissi just left standing at the front door and wanted to play bouncer. As a purely Mex wanted was just "your ID!" by Chrissi. Mex grabbed the back of his pants as he would want to reach for his pistol, and already Chrissi was hidden behind the door. Mex was joking around just to get a glimpse. When it comes to drugs or mafia business, he does not joking around safely. In detail, I will say never. Thankfully. Gina, Mex, I, and Mex's North American affair in the Tiger top sat at the same table and celebrated with a bottle of rum, as suggested Mex that I should now make even someone with arm wrestling. Already set itself a small guy that I noticed previously because he skillful dance moves on the dance floor, lying down, which I suspected already, he is certainly athletic and talented dancers, find me there. That was fast, I won. Quite shocked he got up. I thought it would have been, but now seemed well in the Guatemaltecos herauszuscheinen the ego, which wanted to prove a number of men against me. A regular snake was formed. Let's say, occurred in 7 and gave my right arm a break. Nevertheless, won only 2 of them against me. The two farmers with thick arms who won apologized, then first you very much. I had to confirm to them that it was OK that they have won. wanted to put as the last I looked then to be pausemlosen arm wrestling look around me and noticed that a number of locals were standing around the table, and all together mitfieberten, especially Mex. Since I only saw how Mex already out and a lump of bills, she throws the rage on the table, "I bet on it!" screams. It was getting hotter. Then handed it to me as well. After the session I was arm-wrestling-Mex's Star "You're the jefe, the boss," he called me and wanted to meet only repeatedly express his respect by any handshakes. The remaining locals seemed as if no one would trust more to raise me. What exactly was it now, I know not, because despite our table arm wrestling session was already pretty much the center of the village pub. A little uncomfortable, I was already. If any of you should ever go to Xela asks simply for me, I'm a star - you know me.
We also wanted to see the volcano Santiaguito. This is still active and has several times an hour eruptions. To view this crater, one has to climb the volcano located next to a lookout point. Strangely, we could not predict a time when we can get to the platform. From 45 minutes to 3 hours, once estimated as roughly. Well, we were on our way in the faith, be it 1 1 / 2 hours, said the majority of the people. After 15 minutes of horror road we took a break. Down came a Guatemalan migrant couple who came straight from the top. They told us there were surely 3 hours until the platform. And from there one could see anything anyway, they said. unmotivated to run, this dirt road another almost 3 hours without having actually seen something, we turned around and called our taxi driver. Waiting for the taxi then came down a European couple with a guide. They raved about the 3 eruptions that they have seen on the 1 1 / 2 hours away Platform. I'd say nothing!
the road to Vulkanweg
We went to Antigua. Then we were all probably pretty excited. Antigua was once the capital of Central America. Even today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is still there, with old beautiful, colorful colonial buildings (like in Granada, Nicaragua) and cobblestone streets. We were there in the "Semana Santa", the holy week of Easter week. During this time many Easter processions take place there, which should be great. Many people have been the only reason to Antigua. Sunday then all the people disappeared Monday and the place was deserted. I showed the that tourism in Guatemala is not as great as in Costa Rica, for example, because Mondays were really nurnoch few tourists there, and Antigua is therefore one of the main attractions in the country. Just so I am very interested to travel again in my life there. There is still much to see.
with Volcano view (from the hotel)
Of the great Easter processions where we had heard so much. How did these processions. Well, there were basically moves, which went along an orchestra in a black suit, a lot of locals with dark blue or black robe (explain the black robe at night, I can not.) And worn biblical images on large supporting area of women's or men's groups were. As I understand it, put the pictures are different stories or situations that are then done on the same day and time (Good Friday, Easter Saturday or Sunday). Accordingly, the songs, sometimes frightening, sad, sometimes were not. And always the smell of incense filled the air. Right next to our hotel all food stalls were set up, sat up by 5 clock morgends people there, waiting, sleeping with blankets and eaten, to see the procession (which also took place partly at night, midnight to 4 clock). In addition, all over the streets "flower carpet" made, sometimes even in the middle of the night, then strutted about the probably the parades accordingly, they were then destroyed. What exactly is the meaning behind it was, I have not really questioned, I have admired more the creativity of the artist.
Also visited we got there the volcano Pacaya. We had heard that you can see where lava from the volcano, we had also seen great pictures and wanted us why sometimes even . Convince At 6 clock morgends we were picked up. After Chrissi by 5 clock by another party night at the hotel came and I woke him after his 40 minutes of sleep in semi-coma and forced him to move in, it went off towards the volcano. On the way they found them all over small children walking sticks for 5 Quetzales, 50 Cent, sold, or lent, as they mostly wanted to return after return. To high to seeing you had on a platform that could reach on horseback, and from there you had to run high. We of course the horse. The price we have traded down from 10 € to 5. It has taken, but of course we had previously under the normal prices asked and not the "Ami-prices". That they could be persuaded by us foreigners so badly to take us for 5 €, and are constantly told, why € 10 are justified, we got up with, that the locals only 4 numbers. Bad luck for our guide, who was standing next to us and just smiled. But it was okay because at least we have saved us a lot. The road was high on the horse's back very pleasant, my 55 year-old horse leader, already the third time that day (there were only 8 clock) high, rose, took my walking stick and told me stories about his wife who is 22 and with which he married for 8 months. They met to when she was 15th Then when she was 18 she wanted him not only well, but then has changed her mind. Of God and the world, he told me. According to him, it took from the platform of "Not for long, just 25 minutes." This time has been predicted in hindsight probably doubled if not tripled. Initially it was a few hundred yards grass trail until we came to a cooled lava flow. There we should go up. My thought that we just crossed this stream, turned out to be completely false idea, as the lava cooled, we could only leave after about 40 minutes walking again. 4 years ago, the volcano is once broken, so he is now sprinkled with lava stones. To see the lava, you have to climb over the lava to get as close as possible to get. The problem here is that the stones are smaller and hotter the closer it goes to the lava. By the slope you slide so easily. In addition, lava stones (I speak from experience) very sharp, so you are climbing can not even hold on to it, because you immediately hurt. No joke.
burned Gina Sole
lava (you magnify the picture!)
the lava!
of smoking volcano
The penultimate day Sunday now was our relaxing day. After some souvenir shopping and I still have Gina give yourself a massage and eating at a nice restaurant for dinner.
My trip was a wonderful experience. I have seen many cultural differences to Costa Rica and in general we have experienced a lot and seen. I will certainly return to. In Xela know me even now.
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