Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Retractable Hinge Cupboard

Free trial classes

Thank you for your active participation in our Christmas Special!

After the ideas it has presented the possibility of a free class with a teacher of your choice to book.

Just call at: write 05341 / 176 9912 or 0176 / 200 78 172
or mail: musikschule-sz-bad@gmx.de

We want a happy and healthy New Year 2011!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Doctor's Note In Windsor

"Gift of the Lambs II" - The international Filzcamp in Hungary in 2011.

"Gift of the Lambs II"

International Filzcamp in Hungary takes place this year 10-17 . July 2011 in the small village Orfű-Tekeres instead.

For years I carry with me the dream of a Filzertreffens where Hungarian and foreign FilzerInnen work and from reputable, high-level working FilzkünstlerInnen can learn. Where they Filzbegeisterte other, other cultures, other ways of thinking and creativity as well as other techniques may know the craft.

The Hungarian Filzertreffen "Gift of the Lambs" is from now on instead of Magyarlukafa , in the village Orfű -Tekeres take place. We hope that the name of the village and the Filzcamps in the future to an internationally known term . Merge


Accommodation: Horse-board ( Lovas Panzió) and "tourist board" in Orfű-Tekeres (Ifjúsági Szállás)

period : 10-17. July 2010

Orfű-Tekeres is located about 15 km from the city of Pécs , which is easily accessible by car or public transport. Until this summer, and the cycle path between the sites ready, so you can cycle through pleasant forest and mountain landscape in the city. Tekeres is a very small village situated in the seascape of Orfű, between the lakes "Pécsi to" and "Hermann Otto tó. The picturesque surroundings offer many opportunities for a family vacation, horse riding, aqua park and swimming pool, Canoeing, fishing, hiking, or biking are obvious. A stalactite cave, (which is out of the visit also for healing) extends the range of programs.

www. tekeresilovaspanzio . Hu


www. Orfu.hu / index .php / component / content / article / 85 .orfuivizimalom.hu www / index.php? l = 2

program Filzertreffens :

the experience of meeting 2010 in line, we changed the program's structure a little: This year teach four Filzkünstlerinnen , each 10 participants per group . Courses last 1.5 days, therefore long order to allow time for quality work, the finishing touches, the other times, plenty remains to rest and other cultural programs. Sun resulting 10 hours, to in the individual course leaders to learn the craft. Each instructor teaches a particular subject. The classes run in English and Hungarian. The Filzertreffen take so for 8 days including arrival and departure . The number of participants of the camp is 40

As evening program, we offer technical presentations of the course leaders and other charged Filzkünstlern. Again, this year get to introduce the participants of the meeting the possibility of their work can be. We have also planned a dance party and a puppet show for adults, in the presentation of the famous Puppenspielteathers " MárkusZínház" of Pécs, which is working with felt dolls including: http://markuszinhaz.hu/ .

Our goal is to make the meeting next to the art lessons as a family-centric , active vacation. families can be accommodated in apartments. If necessary, we even offer daily Filzunterricht or other craft classes for children, as well as tours and excursions in the area and in Pécs. Other program options : Aqua Park and swimming pool, horseback riding, petting zoo, bake bread, visit the local mill museum, getting to know local farmers' production of jam, honey, wine, cheese and goat milk soap. If necessary, We are organizing a bus trip to the internationally famous wine region "Villány" and wine tasting. Plus the cost of these programs are not available in the fees of the Filzertreffens.

Again, this year is an exhibition of teaching artists and the works created in Filzcamp of the participants held, during the courses in Orfű and at the end of the Filzertreffens in the prestigious Gallery Galéria Parti "in Pécs.

The property is on the way to stay more then the Filzertreffens 1-2 days to enjoy the conclusion of the event, the exhibition and the sights to be able to calm.

Weekly Schedule:

Sunday (arrival July 10)

From Monday (July 11) - Saturday (16 July): Filzunterricht, evening lectures and other programs

Sunday (17 July), exhibition of works by instructors and participants alike, in Pécs, completion of Filzertreffens, departure

daily schedule:

7-9 Breakfast 9-12


12.15-14 lunch break, lunch break

14-18 felting

18.15-20 dinner, rest

from 20 lectures, exchanging views on trade, other cultural programs

teaching program:

Instructor I can :

· Márti Csille, Filzkünstlerin (Pécs, Hungary) or Corinna Nitschmann Filzkünstlerin (Ócsa-Hungary) : Small bag with shoulder strap and embroidery

· Heidi Greb, Filzkünstlerin (Germany): "Create yourself a coat" - Filzjacke with raw wool

· Kinga Huszti, Filzkünstlerin (Budapest, Hungary): Maßgefilzter felt hat

· Istvan Vidak, Filzkünstler and Researchers (Kecskemét, Hungary): "Midnight Rider" - Shiboritechnik and indigo dyeing of felt


· Mari Nagy, Filzkünstlerin and researcher (Kecskemét, Hungary): about textiles and the lives of women in Türkmenistan

· Istvan Vidak : felt surfaces and patterns, traditional and new ways

· Mihály Vetro, Filzkünstler and Researchers (Nádudvar, Hungary): Narrative felt or study tour in Kyrgyzstan or presentation of the Filzwerkstätte in Anatolia and Nádudvar

· Every evening lectures of the course leaders and participants


440 € (with transfer up. April 15),

470 € (with transfer up. 15 May),

about 60 € Material costs - this can be purchased on site.


one-two-, four-or six-bed rooms and apartments can on the website of the provider that will be posted by mail or telephone.

Prices: depends on the accommodation 2,500 5.000Ft + 310Ft / 9 -18 € + 1.1 Euro (tax) / person / night.

Horse and board in Tekeres (Lovas Panzió) : http://www. tekeresilovaspanzio .hu / main.php f = 2 , e-mail: info@tekeresilovaspanzio.hu , tel: +36 30 349 60 79 (Ágnes Gonda - speaks German , English, Hungarian)

"tourist board" in Tekeres: http: / / orfuiifjusagiszallas .hupont.hu/3/arlista , e-mail: bedojozsefne54 @ freemail. hu , Tel: +36 72498040, +36 30 527 3569 (Terik Bedő Józsefné-speaking Hungarian)

The accommodation will be confirmed when booked and half the price to 15 April will be transferred. The bank account number will be sent after you log in to Filzertreffen.


3 times daily in the horse stables (Lovas Panzió) : Breakfast, hot lunch, dinner : 3.000Ft / 11 € / person / day, 7 days: 21.000Ft / 75 € vegetarian menu can be selected .

Registration for Filzertreffen is valid simply by paying the registration fees. The bank account number will be sent via email after registration.

notifications sent to the following address: csillemarti@gmail.com .

more information we send or they are also by appointment at the following blog published : www.csillemarti.blogspot.com and www.szoszart.blogspot.com .

We look forward to the applications!

Márti Csille Filzkünstlerin, art director of Filzertreffens



e-mail: csillemarti@gmail.com

Tel: +36 72215873

Mobile: + 36 20 420 5800

Skype: csille.marti

Catherine Süle / Leiterin des Filzertreffens

Mobile: + 36 20 38 44 644

e-mail: sulekata6@gmail.com

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Coworker New Job Quotes

Review: L `Art Nouveau

The publisher of lavishly illustrated art book Gabriel P. Weisberg, Edwin Becker and Evelyne Possémé try in numerous essays by various writers of the history of the "Art Nouveau" trace. It was named this art movement based on the Paris gallery "L'Art Nouveau" the art dealer Siegfried Bing (1838-1905). This man is responsible for research, therefore interesting, because he appeared alongside his work as a dealer in Japanese art and first in the series of arts and crafts objects as a patron of the arts and as a creative entrepreneur. As we learn, he was responsible not only artists with the production of objects that he offered in his gallery for sale, but also called for workshops to life in which artists and craftsmen designed and produced objects. He hoped that these artists put his vision of the new art in the service of modern living culture, (see p. 6).

As part of the extensive essays will be informed of the beginning and end of the business, "L'Art Nouveau", witnessed the development of the family Bing, read by Siegfried Bing's trips to Japan, the increasing interest of French goods in Japan, the participation Siegfried Bings in exhibitions of Japanese art, his tremendous commitment as an art dealer from which eventually arose a new style of art that should carry the name of his business.

The book discusses among other with the role in the dissemination Bings Japanese ceramics. Here you learn a set of objects of the Japanese craft know visually also learn that even today some of the great collections of Japanese art are art history available, because this British once by the museum in London, the "Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and acquired the "State Museums of Berlin" (see: p. 45).

detail will be informed about the creation of "Japonisme" and can go for advice in this context, the Japanese influence of the fin de siècle. We learn of exhibitions and the sale of Asian art in America, the French Community projects American artists and artisans. Here we read for example of the cooperation with the Bings American artisans and designer Louis Comfort Tiffany. His manufactory of stained glass was located way in the Corona neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York City. In the book you get to know Tiffany various exhibits. Bing organized in the summer of 1897 an exhibition of works by Tiffany, where the artist was present. This exhibition should have been well attended. Bing sold a variety of exhibits to collectors and museums, thus fostering the name Tiffany, (see: p. 90).

We read of Bing's activities in Belgium. 1895, met Bing and Van der Velde. This was considered a living symbol the versatile artist, who was filled with a deep passion for his work. Philippe Thiébaut suggested that Bing when he van der Velde at the designs for the decoration of "L'Art Nouveau" asked already guessed that these artists are devoted heart and soul of the task would be to serve as apostles of a new aesthetic theories implement the act that would change the world (see: p. 107).

The pictures of "Les Salons de L'Art Nouveau" show magical showroom. As part of an essay you will be informed exactly how it looked like there in Paris. How to read, included a significant number of paintings in Bingham's first "Salon Nouveau LŽArt" to the flow of the symbolism. You get to know some of these pictures, including Fernand Khnopff on "Under fir" (p.133). This picture is I am a melancholy self-reflection, which reflects the autumnal thinning natural forms of mind, (see: p. 132). It is used by many other works of art of the first salons informed, including many works of different artists and Neo-Impressionist works by artists such as René Lalique glass and sculptures by Camille Claudel.

Bing's activities in Britain remain not spared and in this context, the arts and crafts workshops Morris, Liberty, and Henry, who were in England Bing's most important suppliers. The English artist and Heaton Brangwyn be presented before with Bing's Art Nouveau workshops can deal closer and closer to his 'Pavillon de L'Art Nouveau' experiences at the World Exhibition 1900th You learn many pieces of furniture of the style in question know, many vases, tableware, and more and finally has the opportunity to make knowledgeable on Bing's action and position in his time. Bing intended more than just products from a wide variety of contemporary production present. He intended also say in their nature and to encourage artists to become active. He wanted these products ultimately contribute actively in interested parties get in to to help in this way the new style to a successful breakthrough (see: p.253). A very energetic and dedicated man who has my full respect and the worth to inform themselves in greater detail.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Level C Vocab Unit 8 Answrs

review: Hokusai-Mathhi Forrer

This splendid volume is the life and work of Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai woodcut of color (1760-1849) dedicated. The large-format illustrations of his works to a world that is perceived as a means Europeans like a dream world.

After a preface that the question "Why another Hokusai monograph?" answered satisfactorily, we learn that in the book the services of the artist is always considered in the wider context of the world of Japanese woodblock prints and in the context of the cultural development of his home are provided. Next will be informed that Hokusai was an artist who invented again and again, so therefore was very creative.

is partitioned the image and text-rich book in the generic terms:

Youth and Shunro period
-Hokusai Sori privately printed
-Gakyonjin and Katasushika Hokusai
-The legacy of Hokusai Raito
-IItsu: Hokusai is "Another year old "-The
Manji Period Hokusai's last years

Hokusai took over 18 years in the studio of Katsukawa Shunsho. There he worked 15 years as a painter and woodcut artist under the name Shonro. In the first chapter of Hokusai's youth and the Shunro period is examined in more detail. The essays touch on include the world of color woodblock Hokusai's early work under the sign Shunros, the woodcuts of Konkubinenschauspielerinnen, his illustrations for popular novels, the first recognition on the basis of the perspective images for Nishimuraya Yohachi and its recognition in the genres of drama pictures.

Hokusai had poetic, narrative, and humorous talent. As we learn, He wrote popular novels for years, which appeared in a characteristic yellow cover "The little yellow books" (see page 22). These books are already showing his penchant for sarcasm and good observation. Hokusai left in 1792 after the death of your master, and a fight with a classmate's studio Shunsho. He was then under the name Hokusai Sori a favorite of well-known amateur poet and designed in the time between 1776-1805, a large number of precious greeting and invitation cards, in which he worked with gold and silver dust. These cards are "surimonos referred. In the chapter "Hokusai Sori privately printed" the world of private presses in the time discussed in more detail and we learn to include more poetry of the famous places of Edo.

The imagery here to discuss in detail is impossible at this wealth of images that the book contains. This gives you idea, I have included some pictures in the review.

called Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai and Gakyojin among others. Among his many works were poems and illustrations illustrations for popular novels, such as for adventure novels. His characters are presented with a then unknown in Japan until not real density, which sprang from the intensity with which he human attitudes in just such a nature and Manner as natural phenomena studied. From 1814 his work "manga" encyclopedia, pictures were published. These consisted of 15 volumes. In the chapter "The Legacy of Hokusai Taito" you can read more books to his character, the picture albums and the erotic images. His drawings have so much focus that it takes almost caricatured features.

Hokusai chose most extreme and unusual postures and movements culmination potentiated, however there were scenes of everyday life, which he described. These were, however, been of the conventional art ever presented as genuine. In his manga work, "he masterfully handled as a draftsman the abbreviated technique of point-and-dash system, (see page 130ff).

In the chapter "IItsu:" Hokusai is "A year old" time for new beginning "of his creative impetus in old age, reports in the he made great landscape consequences that are now world famous, it created whole. 137 prints over a period of 5 years. This shows the Fuji, waterfalls, bridges, flowers and spirits. His "36 Views of Mount Fuji" are probably in the western world with the most famous. In his painting and drawing has been his didactic work secondary, though it included several notable books mark.

Hokusai's last years will be called Manja period. In these years he devoted himself primarily to painting because he wanted to respond not only as a woodcut artist, but also as a true artist in history.

This book is a real treasure.


Images courtesy © Prestel-Verlag
The reviewed product is available in stores everywhere.