Photos: © by teNeues SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL PALACE The Art of Light and Crystal courtesy
"Gift of the Lambs II"
International Filzcamp in Hungary takes place this year 10-17 . July 2011 in the small village Orfű-Tekeres instead.
For years I carry with me the dream of a Filzertreffens where Hungarian and foreign FilzerInnen work and from reputable, high-level working FilzkünstlerInnen can learn. Where they Filzbegeisterte other, other cultures, other ways of thinking and creativity as well as other techniques may know the craft.
The Hungarian Filzertreffen "Gift of the Lambs" is from now on instead of Magyarlukafa , in the village Orfű -Tekeres take place. We hope that the name of the village and the Filzcamps in the future to an internationally known term . Merge
Accommodation: Horse-board ( Lovas Panzió) and "tourist board" in Orfű-Tekeres (Ifjúsági Szállás)
period : 10-17. July 2010
Orfű-Tekeres is located about 15 km from the city of Pécs , which is easily accessible by car or public transport. Until this summer, and the cycle path between the sites ready, so you can cycle through pleasant forest and mountain landscape in the city. Tekeres is a very small village situated in the seascape of Orfű, between the lakes "Pécsi to" and "Hermann Otto tó. The picturesque surroundings offer many opportunities for a family vacation, horse riding, aqua park and swimming pool, Canoeing, fishing, hiking, or biking are obvious. A stalactite cave, (which is out of the visit also for healing) extends the range of programs.
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program Filzertreffens :
the experience of meeting 2010 in line, we changed the program's structure a little: This year teach four Filzkünstlerinnen , each 10 participants per group . Courses last 1.5 days, therefore long order to allow time for quality work, the finishing touches, the other times, plenty remains to rest and other cultural programs. Sun resulting 10 hours, to in the individual course leaders to learn the craft. Each instructor teaches a particular subject. The classes run in English and Hungarian. The Filzertreffen take so for 8 days including arrival and departure . The number of participants of the camp is 40
As evening program, we offer technical presentations of the course leaders and other charged Filzkünstlern. Again, this year get to introduce the participants of the meeting the possibility of their work can be. We have also planned a dance party and a puppet show for adults, in the presentation of the famous Puppenspielteathers " MárkusZínház" of Pécs, which is working with felt dolls including: .
Our goal is to make the meeting next to the art lessons as a family-centric , active vacation. families can be accommodated in apartments. If necessary, we even offer daily Filzunterricht or other craft classes for children, as well as tours and excursions in the area and in Pécs. Other program options : Aqua Park and swimming pool, horseback riding, petting zoo, bake bread, visit the local mill museum, getting to know local farmers' production of jam, honey, wine, cheese and goat milk soap. If necessary, We are organizing a bus trip to the internationally famous wine region "Villány" and wine tasting. Plus the cost of these programs are not available in the fees of the Filzertreffens.
Again, this year is an exhibition of teaching artists and the works created in Filzcamp of the participants held, during the courses in Orfű and at the end of the Filzertreffens in the prestigious Gallery Galéria Parti "in Pécs.
The property is on the way to stay more then the Filzertreffens 1-2 days to enjoy the conclusion of the event, the exhibition and the sights to be able to calm.
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday (arrival July 10)
From Monday (July 11) - Saturday (16 July): Filzunterricht, evening lectures and other programs
Sunday (17 July), exhibition of works by instructors and participants alike, in Pécs, completion of Filzertreffens, departure
daily schedule:
7-9 Breakfast 9-12
12.15-14 lunch break, lunch break
14-18 felting
18.15-20 dinner, rest
from 20 lectures, exchanging views on trade, other cultural programs
teaching program:
Instructor I can :
· Márti Csille, Filzkünstlerin (Pécs, Hungary) or Corinna Nitschmann Filzkünstlerin (Ócsa-Hungary) : Small bag with shoulder strap and embroidery
· Heidi Greb, Filzkünstlerin (Germany): "Create yourself a coat" - Filzjacke with raw wool
· Kinga Huszti, Filzkünstlerin (Budapest, Hungary): Maßgefilzter felt hat
· Istvan Vidak, Filzkünstler and Researchers (Kecskemét, Hungary): "Midnight Rider" - Shiboritechnik and indigo dyeing of felt
· Mari Nagy, Filzkünstlerin and researcher (Kecskemét, Hungary): about textiles and the lives of women in Türkmenistan
· Istvan Vidak : felt surfaces and patterns, traditional and new ways
· Mihály Vetro, Filzkünstler and Researchers (Nádudvar, Hungary): Narrative felt or study tour in Kyrgyzstan or presentation of the Filzwerkstätte in Anatolia and Nádudvar
· Every evening lectures of the course leaders and participants
440 € (with transfer up. April 15),
470 € (with transfer up. 15 May),
about 60 € Material costs - this can be purchased on site.
one-two-, four-or six-bed rooms and apartments can on the website of the provider that will be posted by mail or telephone.
Prices: depends on the accommodation 2,500 5.000Ft + 310Ft / 9 -18 € + 1.1 Euro (tax) / person / night.
Horse and board in Tekeres (Lovas Panzió) : http://www. tekeresilovaspanzio .hu / main.php f = 2 , e-mail: , tel: +36 30 349 60 79 (Ágnes Gonda - speaks German , English, Hungarian)
"tourist board" in Tekeres: http: / / orfuiifjusagiszallas , e-mail: bedojozsefne54 @ freemail. hu , Tel: +36 72498040, +36 30 527 3569 (Terik Bedő Józsefné-speaking Hungarian)
The accommodation will be confirmed when booked and half the price to 15 April will be transferred. The bank account number will be sent after you log in to Filzertreffen.
3 times daily in the horse stables (Lovas Panzió) : Breakfast, hot lunch, dinner : 3.000Ft / 11 € / person / day, 7 days: 21.000Ft / 75 € vegetarian menu can be selected .
Registration for Filzertreffen is valid simply by paying the registration fees. The bank account number will be sent via email after registration.
notifications sent to the following address: .
more information we send or they are also by appointment at the following blog published : and .
We look forward to the applications!
Márti Csille Filzkünstlerin, art director of Filzertreffens
Tel: +36 72215873
Mobile: + 36 20 420 5800
Skype: csille.marti
Catherine Süle / Leiterin des Filzertreffens
Mobile: + 36 20 38 44 644
Pablo Picasso The yellow belt: Marie-Thérèse, 1932 Courtesy Nahmad Collection © 2010 ProLitteris, Zurich |